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J.L. Simpson Middle School Student Orientation

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Presentation on theme: "J.L. Simpson Middle School Student Orientation"— Presentation transcript:

1 J.L. Simpson Middle School 2014-2015 Student Orientation
Home of the Mustangs

2 Mr. Runfola - Principal

3 Assistant Principals: Ms. Smith and Ms. Todd

4 Main Office Staff Ms. Lee – Secretary Ms. Dolye – Finance
Ms. Szoka – Secretary

School Nurse Mrs. Rivera School Resource Officer Officer Bennett J. L. SIMPSON MIDDLE SCHOOL

Mrs. Todd, Assistant Principal Mrs. Chisholm Secretary Mrs. Jeane, School Counselor House C: 6th Grade J. L. SIMPSON MIDDLE SCHOOL

Mrs. Loiselle, Dean Mrs. McKean, School Counselor House B: 7th Grade Mrs. Ridings, Secretary J. L. SIMPSON MIDDLE SCHOOL

House A: 8th Grade From Left to Right…. Mrs. Smith, Assistant Principal Mrs. Muscarella, Secretary Mrs. Nameth, School Counselor J. L. SIMPSON MIDDLE SCHOOL

9 What’s your bright spot?
Name it! Claim it! Explain it!

10 Bell Schedule Refer to schedule over the locker area water fountain. A or B Day will be displayed in the House B area.

11 Will your name be in the perfect attendance prize lottery?
Every day is important! Please be here! Will your name be in the perfect attendance prize lottery?

12 Locker Information Lockers may have a 8.5” X 11” birthday decoration. Lockers and locker combinations are not to be shared. Lockers should be organized and clean so that you can quickly find your materials. Students may visit their lockers: Before or after school. Between classes. Students should NOT go to their locker DURING class.

13 Hallway Information Students must have their agenda signed by their teacher before leaving class. Students must sign the student log before leaving any classroom. Students who need to leave go to the clinic MUST sign out in the house office before going to the clinic.

14 Hallway Behavior When classes are escorted by teachers, students should walk in a single line with on the right side of the hallway with minimal noise. When leaving the gym on the way to 1st/5th period, when leaving the cafeteria on the way to 3rd/7th period, and during all class changes, students should walk and quietly talk in an orderly manner.

15 Clinic Information Students who are feeling ill may ask a teacher if they may go to the clinic. The clinic is in front of House A. Students who need to take medicine must have their parents bring the medicine to the clinic. The nurse, Ms. Rivera, may not give out any medicine without permission from a parent/guardian. Students should ask to go to the clinic only when they are feeling ill (not to get out of running the mile or taking a big test!).

16 Cafeteria Information
Students must wait in line to enter the kitchen. You must raise your hand and receive permission to leave your seat. Students must sit at the table they are assigned. All trash must be removed from your area. (including under the tables). Students must wait for an adult to dismiss them back to class. PLEASE write your name on your lunchbox! PLEASE RECYLCE! PLEASE RECYLCE!

17 Bus Information Students must remain seated at all times.
Students must ride their assigned bus unless given a bus pass by the house office. Bus drivers are in charge on the bus and are to be treated with respect. If your bus is late to school in the morning, check by the clinic or go to the House C office for a pass. Misbehavior on the bus will result in disciplinary actions at school.

18 Parent Notes Early dismissal notes and notes for any bus change such as riding a different bus or getting off at a different stop, must be given to Ms. Ridings in the House B office in the morning before 1st/5th period. She will post the approval pass on her door . You may pick up your pass during a class change, or before the dismissal time.

19 Dress Code Shoulders, midriff, chest area and underarms should be covered. Spaghetti straps are not acceptable. Shorts and skirts should be a decent length. Clothing must fit appropriately. Leggings are not pants. Jackets/Coats must remain in your locker. Clothing may not promote tobacco, alcohol, drugs, violence or cult/gang activities.

20 Dress Code--Cont’d. Wallet chains/spiked jewelry are not permitted.
Underwear may not be exposed or worn as outerwear. Pajamas/slippers are not acceptable. Hats, hoods, head coverings may not be worn in the building without special permission. Any type of attire, including hair color and make-up, that is viewed by the administration as a disruption of the school environment is unacceptable.

21 Be on time to class! Remember – PBIS! Tardy Policy
*If you are detained by a teacher after the bell, ask that teacher to sign your agenda before going on to your next class.

22 School Behavior Everyone is responsible for maintaining a safe and productive learning environment. EXPECT RESPECT – GIVE RESPECT! Everyone is responsible for adhering to school rules outlined in the student agenda. Students who have difficulty following school rules will face consequences from the teacher, 7th grade team, and/or school administration.

23 “If I get in trouble, what might happen?”
THINK PBIS! Students who do not follow the guidelines for proper school behavior may face the following: Parent contact by teacher / administrator Student / Parent conference with school staff Lunch detention After school detention In-School Restriction Suspension / Expulsion

24 “If I am having problems, what should I do?”
Students who are having difficulty with a class, a teacher, a student, or anything else should talk to: Counselor – Ms. McKean Dean – Ms. Loiselle Another teacher / faculty member Our job is to make sure that all students feel comfortable about coming to school. We want you to learn as much as possible! So, if you need help, PLEASE ASK!


26 No gum! No gum! No gum! No gum! No gum!

27 Go Mustangs!!!!!

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