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A Christmas Carol 英语名著简易读本导读系列之一 Lesson 1 By Lisa.

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1 A Christmas Carol 英语名著简易读本导读系列之一 Lesson 1 By Lisa

2 Do you enjoy reading? Have you got any experience of reading an (English) novel? Take a look at the cover ( 封面) and the name. Go through the content.( 浏览目录) Read the introduction( 简介) to the story. Explore the story from the first chapter. (从第一章节开始阅读内容)

3 Step1: Get a general idea (Carols are Christian religious songs that are sung at Christmas.) 1 Marley's ghost 2 The first of the three spirits 3 The second of the three spirits 4 The last of the spirits 5 The end of the story Brief introduction This is actually a ghost story which happens on Christmas Eve.The hero of the story is a hard, mean businessman. However, a ghost appears and changes everything … A Christmas Carol

4 Scrooge Scrooge’s nephew Two gentlemen Bob Cratchit Jacob Marley 1.What main characters are there in this chapter? 2.What ’ s the relationship between them? 3.Who is the hero( 主人公) ? business partners boss and clerk uncle and nephew strangers Step2: Learn from the first chapter

5 Step3: Focus on the hero’s personality ScroogeJacob Marley had been partners It is important to remember that Jacob Marley was dead . Sometimes people who were new to the business called Scrooge Scrooge , and sometimes Marley , but he answered to both names . According to his value,what kind of person was Scrooge? Find an adjective( 形容词) in the following passage. Para2 : …He did not care what name they called him . The only thing that mattered to him was the business , and making money . was important to his value (价值观) clever

6 How does the author convince( 使 … 信服) you that he was such a person? hard , mean What other adjectives( 形容词 ) does the author use to describe the hero’s personality (个性) ? There was nothing warm or open about him . He lived a secretive , lonely life , and took no interest in other people at all . The cold inside him made his eyes red , and his thin lips blue , and his voice high and cross . It put white frost on his old head , his eyebrows and his chin . The frost in his heart made the air around him cold , too . In the hottest days of summer his office was as cold as ice , and it was just as cold in winter . He didn’t want others to know his life He didn’t want to know others’ life,either. unfriendly unkind, A. cross the road B. cross your arms C. The boss was cross with him for being late. cold-hearted His attitude (态度) to life His appearance Step3: Focus on the hero’s personality was not intersted in indifferent (冷漠)

7 If you are asked to illustrate( 给 … 插图) the book, which image will you choose to represent Scrooge? Can you imagine what kind of house he could live in ? [location( 位置), size, color, possessions( 财物), decoration , etc.]

8 Para4: others’ attitude How does the author show that Scrooge was unpopular? Do you like such a person to be around you? Could he be a popular person? Step3: Learn more about the hero Nobody ever stopped him in the street to say , with a happy smile , ‘My dear Scrooge , how are you ? When will you come to see me’ No poor man asked him for money , no children asked him the time , no man or woman ever , in all his life , asked him the way . Animals as well as people were afraid of him . Dogs used to hide in doorways when they saw him. Which sentence impresses( 留下印象 ) you most? Try to read it aloud in a vivid way. Nobody ever stopped him in the street to say , with a happy smile , ‘My dear Scrooge , how are you ? When will you come to see me’ No poor man asked him for money , no children asked him the time , no man or woman ever , in all his life , asked him the way . Animals as well as people were afraid of him . Dogs used to hide in doorways when they saw him.

9 According to the above descriptions, what would Scrooge do in the following situations? Situation 1. He had finished all his work in the office. Situation 2. A girl who lost her way cried at his door. Step4: Share your creations! attitude, appearance/expressions( 表情), behaviour Never forget: He was a hard, clever, mean old man. Lisa’s creation: (Situation 1) Having counted his money ______ again, Scrooge put away his money in a ______ place.He stood up _____, looking around the office to see if there was a ______ coin left out. When he realized that he couldn’t find any more,his eyes became _____ and his lips _______…

10 Situation 1. Situation 2. Step4: Share your creations! Scrooge had finished all his work in the office… Scrooge found the lost girl at his door.

11 attitude appearance others’ attitude behaviour hard, clever, mean old unpopular unhappy Step4: Make a summary value

12 Self-reading tasks for the rest part of Chapter 1: 1. Pay close attention to the dialogues in Chapter 1 and try to find out what Scrooge actually means by saying those things. 2. Predict in what way Marley’s ghost will appear? In what other way can a writer tell the readers what kind of person the hero is? Dialogues.


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