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What we are doing We are writing a piece of work to finish our work on ‘Stone Cold’ This outline is designed to help you Think P>E>C and try to use quotes.

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Presentation on theme: "What we are doing We are writing a piece of work to finish our work on ‘Stone Cold’ This outline is designed to help you Think P>E>C and try to use quotes."— Presentation transcript:

1 How does Robert Swindells build sympathy for the homeless in ‘Stone Cold?’

2 What we are doing We are writing a piece of work to finish our work on ‘Stone Cold’ This outline is designed to help you Think P>E>C and try to use quotes The sentences in italics are sentence starters for you to use if you want

3 Paragraph One This should tell the reader the name of the novel and the author and include a very quick summary of the novel. ‘Stone Cold was written by…. The story is told by a character called… OR Robert Swindells wrote ‘Stone Cold’. It is the story of…

4 Paragraph Two This should explore why you think Swindells wrote this book. Read inside the cover to help you! The book explores the idea that anyone can… OR The main theme of the book is the idea…

5 Paragraph Three Explain some attitudes to homelessness and give some information on homelessness Who can be effected by homelessness In 2010 there are over a million children without a home Why is it so terrible being homeless?

6 Paragraph Four This is about the reader meeting Link. Include things like: What we find out about Link? What is his life like? Why do you think he doesn’t use his real name? The main character in ‘Stone Cold is the narrator, Link… OR Link is the narrator…

7 Paragraph Five Talk about how the story is told directly to the reader – as if Link is speaking to us. Find a quote. What effect does this have on the reader? Does it help us get to know Link and like him? The character of Link talks directly to … OR The reader gets involved in the story because…

8 Paragraph Six What happens on Link’s first night on the streets (p. 23)? How does he try and cope? How does the reader feel? The reader can imagine Link’s first night sleeping rough in London… OR On Link’s first night he…

9 Paragraph Seven Using some quote from pages how are we shown what it feels like to be sleeping rough? Swindells tries to build sympathy by his descriptions… The section of the story where Link describes sleeping rough is powerful because…

10 Paragraph Eight What are the other dangers on the streets? Rape, attacks, violence, Shelter. In this section explain why Shelter is attacking homeless people. Swindells shows how hard life on the streets can be… OR There are many dangers for homeless people…

11 Last paragraph! Overall what bit in the story made you feel most sympathy for homeless people? Which part did you most enjoy? Would you recommend this story? Overall,… OR For me the most powerful part of the story was…

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