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World War I Pts. PeoplePlaces Words & Phrases Misc. War Is Hell 5 10 15 20 25.

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2 World War I Pts. PeoplePlaces Words & Phrases Misc. War Is Hell 5 10 15 20 25

3 5 Points Commander of the American Armed Forces.

4 That’s right! Who was John J. Pershing?

5 5 Points Peace treaty ending the war is negotiated here.

6 That’s right! What is the Palace of Versailles?

7 5 Points Protective ditches dug by soldiers.

8 That’s right! What are trenches?

9 5 Points Allied Country that switched sides in WWI.

10 That’s right! What is Italy?

11 5 Points The most deadly form of gas used in WWI, the soldiers called it by its color.

12 That’s right! What is “Mustard Gas”?

13 10 Points He called for a peace with out victory.

14 That’s right! Who was Woodrow Wilson?

15 10 Points 5 Countries that make up the allied powers during WWI.

16 That’s right! What is Serbia, Russia, France, Great Britain, Italy, Romania, Greece and U.S.?

17 10 Points Policy of one country owning or controlling another.

18 That’s right! What is Imperialism or colonialism? Know your isms link!

19 10 Points Airships that were used primarily for bombing campaigns in WWI.

20 That’s right! What are Zepplins?

21 10 Points Hand-thrown bombs.

22 That’s right! What are grenades?

23 15 Points Nationality where the assassin of the Archduke of Austria-Hungary was from.

24 That’s right! What is Serbian?

25 15 Points Nation that signed an early treaty with Germany in March of 1918 and the name of that treaty.

26 That’s right! What was Russia and the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk.

27 15 Points Term for Germany, Austria-Hungary and Turkey.

28 That’s right! What are the Central Powers?

29 15 Points The Sinking of this ship changed public opinion in the U.S. against Germany.

30 That’s right! What is the Lusitania?

31 15 Points An armored vehicle first used in WW I, it really hurts when one runs over your toe, and it also tried to break the stalemate along the trenches on the western front.

32 That’s right! What is a tank?

33 20 Points The man who devised Germany’s plan of invasion for WWI.

34 That’s right! Who was Alfred Von Schlieffen?

35 20 Points The last allied offensive in WWI involving U.S. troops.

36 That’s right! What is the Muese-Argonne Offensive?

37 20 Points Idea that decisions should be based only on what is good for your own country. Super Patriotism!

38 That’s right! What is Nationalism? Know your isms link!

39 20 Points Type of war WWI became known as because of the senseless slaughter of soldiers.

40 That’s right! What is war of attrition?

41 20 Points Shooting liquid fire, this German weapon spread terror on the Western Front.

42 That’s right! What is a flame thrower?

43 25 Points The plan of peace Woodrow Wilson devised was called.

44 That’s right! What is the 14 Points?

45 25 Points The two of the bloodiest battles of WWI one was a German offensive the other a combined British/French offensive.

46 That’s right! What is the Battles of Verdun and the Somme?

47 25 Points This was the land between armies in trench warfare.

48 That’s right! What is no man’s land?

49 25 Points The U.S.government used these to help sway public opinion during WWI.

50 That’s right! What are propaganda posters?

51 25 Points A political order issued by the Government calling up men to fight.

52 That’s right! What is the draft or selective service?

53 Final Jeopardy The final five answers are:

54 1.What year did the U.S. enter the war 2.Name the letter that suggested an alliance between Germany and Mexico. 3.Name the official term describing the American troops. 4.The international organization that was a stopping point for the U.S. signing the Versailles Peace treaty. 5.Country Germany invaded bringing Great Britain into the war. Think Waffles

55 The Answers: 1.1917? 2.Zimmermann Note? 3.American Expeditionary Force? 4.The League of Nations? 5. Who is Belgium?

56 “ISMS” Capitalism Socialism Communism Imperialism Nationalism Fascism Nazism

57 Capitalist Systems - USA Limited role of government Private ownership of the means of production Markets determine price and allocate resources

58 Socialist Systems An expanded role of government Government & Private ownership of the means of production Government & Markets determine price and allocate resources In most European countries & in Canada health care is PROVIDED by the Government. Governments own and run airlines and railroads in some countries too!

59 Communist Systems Government controls the economy Government determines: –What to produce –Who will produce it –How it will be produced –For whom it will be produced

60 Mixed Economic Systems Most national economies today have some government regulation Capitalism dominates with varying degrees of government regulation and manipulation

61 Imperialism v. Nationalism Nationalism is waving the flag and being patriotic! Imperialism is planting the flag in another country and claiming it for political or economic gain!

62 Dictatorships Mussolini’s Fascism –Control government –Control the economy –Allow some freedoms Hitler’s Nazism –Total control of a person’s life –Total control of the nation

63 Back to the Game!

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