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 Did you know…  A lobster has a sense of smell ~1000x keener than a human.  Frogs eat their skin after they shed it.

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Presentation on theme: " Did you know…  A lobster has a sense of smell ~1000x keener than a human.  Frogs eat their skin after they shed it."— Presentation transcript:

1  Did you know…  A lobster has a sense of smell ~1000x keener than a human.  Frogs eat their skin after they shed it.

2  _s _s  CY CY

3  Humans purposefully change DNA  E.g., luciferase gene in fireflies inserted into tobacco plant DNA

4  Humans cross/breed 2 orgs of same species  Possess most desirable traits  Farmers cross 2 tomatoes b/c heartiest & most disease-resistant  E.g. horses, dogs, crops

5  Continual breeding of orgs w/ same heritage  Small, elite pop  I.e., maintain a breed of dogs (e.g., poodles)  Risky: offspring often inherit 2 recessive alleles for genetic disorder

6  Cross 2 different orgs  Best traits together into 1 org  E.g., loganberry = raspberry + blackberry  E.g., peppermint = spearmint + water mint

7  Contains DNA from another species  “Across” orgs  Used in production of human insulin or in bacteria that break down oil

8  Transgenic crops  “Golden rice:” vitamin A gene inserted into rice DNA  Staple food for billions  Vitamin A important for eye sight (found in carrots)

9  Genetically identical org coming from 1 parent (asexual reproduction)  Dolly: 1 st mammal (sheep) cloned (1997)  Only lived 6 yrs

10  Camel  Carp  Cat  Cattle  Dog  Ferret  Frog (tadpole)  Fruit Flies  Gaur  Goat  Horse  Mice  Mouflon  Mule  Pig  Rabbit  Rat  Rhesus Monkey  Sheep  Water Buffalo  Wolf  And more!


12  Scan DNA for specific sequences for disorder/disease  100+ genetic disorders can be tested  E.g., cystic fibrosis (CF), Tay-Sachs disease

13  Identify by comparing DNA sequence lengths  Analyze introns (filler space)  No individual is exactly the same  EXCEPT identical twins  Uses:  Paternity testing  Criminal identification 

14 1. Restriction enzymes cut DNA into small pieces 2. DNA pieces separated by size on electrophoresis gel  Shorter pieces move faster/farther than long pieces 3. Compare DNA piece lengths  dy/create-dna-fingerprint.html dy/create-dna-fingerprint.html

15  Purposes:  Analyze human DNA sequence for genes  Screen individuals for specific genes  Develop gene therapies  Difficult to analyze b/c most of genome is introns/filler sequence

16  Swap faulty gene of genetic disorder for normal, working gene  Use viral vector  Virus inserts DNA sequence into host genome  New proteins expressed  ation-of-Recombination-Genetic-Engineering ation-of-Recombination-Genetic-Engineering

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