CULS Czech University of Life Science Customer Service BBC TV’s “Learning Zone”

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Presentation on theme: "CULS Czech University of Life Science Customer Service BBC TV’s “Learning Zone”"— Presentation transcript:

1 CULS Czech University of Life Science Customer Service BBC TV’s “Learning Zone”

2 CULS Czech University of Life Science Front Line Skills Be helpful, attentive and try to give a bit extra Have a sense of humour Know about the products you are selling Dear politely with complaints – keep calm

3 CULS Czech University of Life Science Dealing with difficult customers Be calm, reasonable and polite Refer to your manager if necessary Share your frustrations with your colleagues/support each other Ask for Customer care training

4 CULS Czech University of Life Science Dealing with complaints Never ignore customer complaints – refer upwards if necessary Involve customers and staff in finding a solution Failing a solution, explain issues to the customer (eg: effect on price)

5 CULS Czech University of Life Science Improving Customer Care Find out what your customer wants Compare what you offer with what your competitor(s) offer Do something extra to attract customers Kep abreast of product/service developments

6 CULS Czech University of Life Science How to motivate people Make sure the work is interesting Give staff space to make their own decisions Ensure that communication is clear – both ways Agree goals with all the staff

7 CULS Czech University of Life Science Positive management Reward good work and generate enthusiasm Encourage suggestions for improving customer care Help staff work as a team

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