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Customer Care delivering a first class service Striving for excellence.

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Presentation on theme: "Customer Care delivering a first class service Striving for excellence."— Presentation transcript:

1 Customer Care delivering a first class service Striving for excellence

2 Aims and objectives to improve the quality of customer service to reinforce the Councils customer charter and standards to reduce complaints

3 What is customer care? Customer first - treating the community, colleagues and partners with fairness and respect, listening and responding to their needs and designing services around the people we serve.

4 Customer care is about Meeting your customer needs Knowing how to deal effectively with all your customers in all circumstances Managing communication, expectation and perception All staff having an agreed set of values and way of working which always put the service user first and at the centre of service delivery

5 LBE Customer Charter and Standards to treat customers and their property with respect to deliver services in a prompt and professional manner to improve our services and processes so that customers don’t have to make unnecessary calls or visits Be open and honest and explain our decisions Apologise when we make mistakes and put things right

6 The benefits of good customer care the service user feels respected and valued the worker gets more job satisfaction - improves performance - has less conflict - develops professionally good reputation for the organisation - also meets the aims and objectives

7 The consequences of poor customer care the service user feels devalued and marginalised; has a sense of injustice and more aggressive the worker is stressed; no job satisfaction or security the organisation has increased complaints, poor reputation, more investigations, negative publicity, constant trouble-shooting and failure to meet its aims

8 What makes a happy customer? We can raise levels of customer satisfaction when we: do what people expect of us handle problems effectively provide a prompt service provide accurate, comprehensive information have professional, competent staff who treat people fairly are friendly, polite and sympathetic to individual needs

9 Improving customer focus Understand your customers Make sure that the way the service operates is totally focussed on the customer Form strong relationships with customers and encourage feedback Use knowledge of customers to improve and develop the services provided

10 Tips for all staff – communication skills When responding to requests and questions always give a positive first response Always try to help and go the extra mile Don’t make the situation worse Always be aware of your body language and tone of voice Make realistic promises Follow up on agreed actions

11 Tips for staff – telephone skills Use the agreed protocol for answering the phone Soften your tone - be welcoming and friendly Be patient- don’t make the caller feel rushed/stupid Help as far as you can within your remit Don’t take the call personally – allow the person to vent their feelings, providing it is not abusive Thank the person by name for calling and close the call warmly

12 Advice for managers Lead by example Ensure the basics are right Challenge poor customer service Recognise and praise good customer service Include customer service in staff inductions Include customer service in appraisals Actively share compliments and complaints with the team

13 Questions

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