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Educational Psychology Fourth Edition

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1 Educational Psychology Fourth Edition
PowerPoint Presentation to accompany Educational Psychology Fourth Edition by John W. Santrock

2 Educational Psychology: A Tool for Effective Teaching
C H A P T E R 1 Educational Psychology: A Tool for Effective Teaching

3 Learning Goals Describe some basic ideas about the field of educational psychology. Identify the attitudes and skills of an effective teacher. Discuss why research is important to effective teaching and how educational psychologists and teachers can conduct and evaluate research. Menguraikan latar belakang ilmu psikologi pendidikan. Mengidentifikasi sikap dan ketrampilan yg efektif seorang guru. Mendiskusikan mengapa penelitian penting bagi pengajaran yg efektif dan bagaimana guru dapat melakukan penelitian.

4 Teaching stories Efective teacher know that :
Principles of educational psychology Teaching how to learn Educational research The need to apply educational research to teaching practice Will help them guide students’ learning

5 Emphasize how to learn, rather than what to learn.
How to read, how to shape an idea, how to master difficult material, how to use writing to clarify thinking. Useful research has been conducted lately on learning styles and frames of intelligence. Students should think for themselves. Your job is to teach them how to think and to give them the necessary tools. Your students will be endlessly amazed at how intelligent they are. You don’t need to show them how intelligent you are…

6 Educational Psychology: A Tool for Effective Teaching
Exploring Educational Psychology Teaching: Art and Science Historical Background

7 Educational Psychology…
is a branch of psychology that specializes in understanding teaching and learning in educational settings. Cabang ilmu psikologi yang khusus untuk memahami perilaku manusia dalam PBM. Misalnya……. Psychology is the scientific study of behavior and mental processes.

8 Historical Background of Ed Psych
1850 1875 1900 1925 1950 William James John Dewey Ilmu psi. pddk di bangun oleh beberapa tokoh. E. L. Thorndike

9 William James ( ) Emphasized the importance of observing teaching and learning in the classroom for improving education To start lessons at a point just beyond the child’s level of knowledge and understandint to stretch the child’s mind.

10 John Dewey ( ) Viewed the child as an active learner. Children learn best by doing. Emphasized the child’s adaptation to the environment. Should learn how to be reflective problem solvers. Pushed for competent education for all children, not a small portion of children.

11 E. L. Thorndike ( ) Promoted the idea that educational psychology must have a scientific base and that measurement should be a central focus One of schooling’s most important tasks is to hone children’s reasoning skills, and he excelled at doing exacting scientific studies of teaching and learning.

12 Educational Psychology’s Historical Background
Leta Hollingworth (1916) - First to use the term gifted to describe students who scored exceptionally high on IQ tests. George Sanchez (1932) - Researcher who demonstrated that intelligence tests were culturally biased against minority children. Mamie and Kenneth Clark (1939) - Pioneering researchers who studied African American children’s self-conceptions and identity.

13 Behavioral Approach/ Thorndike’s approach
B.F. Skinner (1938), involved attempts to precisely determine the best conditions for learning. Psychology as the science of observable behavior and controlling conditions 1950s programmed learning, reinforcing the student after each of a series of steps until the student reached a learning goal.

14 The Cognitive Revolution
1950s Bloom’s Taxonomy of Cognitive Skills. Remembering, comprehending, synthesizing, and evaluating… teachers should help students use and develop. 1980s Cognitive Psychology memory, thinking, reasoning – to help student learn The objectives spelled out in the behavioral approach to learning did not address many of the actual goals and needs of classroom educators. A cognitive perspective implies that a behavioral analysis of instruction is often inadequate to explain the effects of instruction on learning. Analisis perilaku belajar sering tidak sesuai untuk menjelaskan pengaruh pengajaran.

15 The socioemotional aspects of students’ lives.
They are analyzing the school as a social context and examining the role of culture in education.

16 Teaching as Art & Science
How is teaching both art and science? Teaching sometimes must depart from scientific recipes, requiring improvisation and spontaneity. As a science, educational psychology’s aim is to provide you with research knowledge tha you can effectively apply to teaching situations.

17 Educational Psychology: A Tool for Effective Teaching
Professional Knowledge and Skills Commitment and Motivation

18 Reflection & Observation
What were the characteristics of the most effective teachers in your educational experience? This slide accompanies the video segment, Observing Effective Teaching, on the McGraw-Hill DVD Teaching Stories: A Video Collection for Educational Psychology.

19 Effective Teaching Professional Knowledge and Skills
Effective Teachers: Exhibit subject matter competence Implement appropriate instructional strategies Set high goals for themselves and students and plan for instruction Create developmentally appropriate instructional materials and activities Manage classrooms for optimal learning Menguasai bahan yang diajarkan. Mampu menggunakan strategi mengajar yang sesuai Menetapkan tujuan utk diri dan siswa serta merencanakan pengajaran dan kegiatan Menciptakan bahan pengajaran dan kegiatan yang sesuai. Mampu mengatur kelas utk pembelajaran yang optimal. Cont…

20 Effective Teaching Professional Knowledge and Skills
Effective Teachers: Use effective strategies to promote students’ motivation to learn Communicate well with students and parents Pay more than lip service to individual variations Work effectively with students from culturally diverse backgrounds Have good assessment skills Integrate technology into the curriculum

21 Effective Teaching Commitment and Motivation
Effective Teachers: Have a good attitude Care about students Invest time and effort Bring a positive attitude and enthusiasm to the classroom

22 Characteristics of Best Teachers

23 Characteristics of Worst Teachers

24 Educational Psychology: A Tool for Effective Teaching
Research in Educational Psychology Why Research Is Important Program Evaluation Research, Action Research, and the Teacher-as- Researcher Research Methods

25 Why is educational psychology research important?
During a slideshow, text may be written on the slides in the white box, and then saved for later reference.

26 The Scientific Research Approach
The scientific research approach is objective, systematic, and testable. STEP 4 Revise Research Conclusions & Theory STEP 3 Draw Conclusions STEP 2 Collect Information Please Note: The content of this slide is not in the text. If you do not wish to use it in a presentation, you may either delete or hide it. STEP 1 Conceptualize the Problem

27 Research Methods Descriptive Research Observations
Laboratory Naturalistic observation Participant observation Interviews and questionnaires Standardized tests Cont…

28 Research Methods Descriptive Research Case studies
Ethnographic Studies Focus Groups Personal Journals and Diaries

29 Research Methods Experimental Research Correlational Research
Measures the strength of a relation between two variables Does NOT establish causal relation Experimental Research Random assignment Experimental vs. control groups Independent vs. dependent variables

30 Possible Explanations of Correlational Data
Observed correlation Possible explanations for this correlation As permissive teaching increases, children’s self-control decreases Permissive teaching Children’s lack of self-control Children’s lack of self-control causes Other factors, such as genetic tendencies, poverty, or sociohistorical circumstances cause both and

31 Experimental Research
Independent variable: The manipulated, influential experimental factor. Dependent variable: The factor that is measured in an experiment. Control group: A comparison group, no manipulation. Experimental group: The group whose experience is manipulated. Random assignment: Participants are assigned by chance.

32 Experimental Research
A study of the effects of time management on students’ grades Participants randomly assigned to experimental and control groups Students’ grades in school Experimental Group (time management program) Control Group (no time management program)

33 Time Span of Research Cross-sectional Longitudinal
Studying groups of people at one time Researcher doesn’t have to wait until subjects grow older Provides no information about the stability of data over time Studying the same individuals over time Evaluates how children change over time Time consuming and costly Please Note: The content of this slide is not in the text. If you do not wish to use it in a presentation, you may either delete or hide it.

34 Program Evaluation, Action Research, and Teacher-As-Researcher
Program Evaluation: Designed to make decisions about a particular program. Action Research: Used to solve a particular classroom or school problem. Teacher-As-Researcher: Teachers conduct their own studies to improve their teaching.

35 Should teachers conduct research using their students as subjects?
Enter the Debate Should teachers conduct research using their students as subjects? YES NO During a slideshow, text may be written on the slides in the yes/no boxes, and then saved for later reference.

36 Crack the Case The Case of the Curriculum Decision
What issues would need to be considered in conducting such a study? What type of research would be most appropriate? Why? If she compared the two different curricula and their outcomes, what would the independent variable be? This case is on page 25 of the text. Cont...

37 Crack the Case The Case of the Curriculum Decision
If she compared the two different curricula and their outcomes, what would the dependent variable be? How should Ms. Huang go about conducting her study? This case is on page 25 of the text.

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