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England in the New World 1587-1754. England’s First Settlements 1587 Sir Walter Raleigh settled Roanoke Island Virginia Dare was the first English child.

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Presentation on theme: "England in the New World 1587-1754. England’s First Settlements 1587 Sir Walter Raleigh settled Roanoke Island Virginia Dare was the first English child."— Presentation transcript:

1 England in the New World 1587-1754

2 England’s First Settlements 1587 Sir Walter Raleigh settled Roanoke Island Virginia Dare was the first English child born in America Colony mysteriously vanished, leaving only the word Croatan as a clue In 1606 the Virginia Company of London formed

3 Jamestown Founded 1607 108 colonists lived on a poorly sited peninsula Disease stricken Powhatans took pity on the colony and keep it supplied John Smith instituted rules that mandated all colonist must work to produce food By 1608 only 32 survivors remained

4 Jamestown Smith was captured by the Powhatans, but saved by Pocahontas Pocahontas married John Rolf in 1613 By 1613 tobacco became the cash crop of Virginia Indentured servants 1619 women began to arrive as did the first boatload of African slaves House of Burgesses formed July 30, 1619

5 Plymouth Bay Colony Known as both Pilgrims and Puritans Outcast from the Church of England William Bradford Arrived in the New World in Nov. of 1620 aboard the Mayflower Mayflower Compact Squanto Difficult first year 1621 Wampanogs hosted the first harvest festival

6 Massachusetts Bay Colony Massachusetts Bay Company John Winthrop brought an additional 100 colonists to what would eventually become Boston Massachusetts government Ye Olde Satan De Luder Laws Education Marriage Crime

7 Salem Witch Trials Witches 1648-1689 3 major epidemics in New England and crop failures Spring 1692 Cotton Maither Voodoo practices in the Rev. Parris’ home with a slave woman and girls from the community of Salem town Summer 1692 the girls began to name witches in Salem

8 Salem Witch Trials Court of Oyer and Terminar Witch tests June-Aug 1692 19 people hanged and 1 pressed to death Beginning of secular law

9 1640-1664 1640-1660 English Civil War Colonies left to fend for themselves During this time the colonies show their first signs of being separate from England 1664 New York taken from the Dutch Manhattan Indians sell Manhattan Island to English

10 Quakers Society of Friends or Children of Light George Fox 1649 Settled in Pennsylvania under the leadership of William Penn Opposed slavery Believed in the spirit of the Bible 1701 Charter of Liberty 1751 Liberty Bell cast

11 Maryland Established as a refuge for Catholics, and embraced religious tolerance Founded by George Cabot 1649 Toleration Act

12 Carolina Planned to correct past mistakes of colonization Seperated into North and South Carolina South Carolina produced tobacco and indigo North Carolina produced naval stores 1715-1717 Indian war nearly destroyed Charles Town Cherokees sided with English and turned the tide of the war

13 1660-1696 After the Stuart Restoration, England’s government sought greater colonial control. 1660 Navigation Act 1663 Staples Act 1673 Plantation Duties Act 1696 Navigation Act

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