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Week #1 Seminar Psychodynamic Theory Chapter #1 Pages 12-13.

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1 Week #1 Seminar Psychodynamic Theory Chapter #1 Pages 12-13

2 PsychodynamicTheory  The importance of internal forces (__________________) and drives  Development occurs in a sequence of universal stages  ________ of the modern theories of human development (early 1900’s)  Freud and Erikson are the two key figures in this field

3 Sigmund Freud  Early founder of psychology  Turn of the century (both popular and shunned)  Very significant impact still felt today

4 Erik Erikson 1902-1994  Was a disciple and moderator of Freudian theory  Believed that personality is a mix of _______________ _______________ _______________

5 The Psychosocial Theory of Development  ______ stages of development unfold throughout the entire life span.  Each stage consists of a unique developmental task that confronts individuals with a _______________ ______________________________  Challenges are not crises but rather __________________ of increased vulnerability and enhanced potential.

6 Erikson contd.  If the challenge is successfully resolved then people are _____ _________________ to meet the next challenge  ____________________= each stage has a special time and specific importance  All of the 8 stages are built on the previous ones

7 Erikson’s Psychosocial Stages 1. trust v mistrust 2. autonomy v shame and doubt 3. initiative v guilt 4. industry v inferiority 5. identity v identity confusion 6. intimacy v isolation 7. generativity v stagnation 8. integrity v despair

8 Trust vs Mistrust  _________________  Emphasis on satisfying basic physical and emotional needs  The primary caregiver is essential in this stage  Need to feel that your ‘world’ is a _______________, that your needs will be met IF NOT = mistrust

9 Autonomy vs Shame and Doubt  Ages 1-3 years  Emphasis on ________________ and developing self care skills  Saying ‘no’ to see what happens  Realize that you are an independent person who __________________, IF NOT = will feel shame and doubt

10 Initiative vs Guilt  Age 3-6 years  Emphasis on achieving a sense of being able to __________________  Develop the ability to try new things and to _______________________  IF NOT = guilt

11 Industry vs Inferiority  Age 6 – _______________  Emphasis on setting and meeting personal goals socially and academically  Learn basic skills and ____________________________, IF NOT = feel inferior to others

12 Identity vs Identity Confusion  Adolescence  Emphasis on _______________ _____________and finding own value system  Develop a lasting and integrated sense of self  IF NOT = confusion of who you are

13 Intimacy vs Isolation  Young Adulthood  Emphasis on _________________ personal relationships  Commit to another in a loving relationship  IF NOT = feel isolated

14 Generativity vs Stagnation  Middle Adulthood  Emphasis on ____________________, being productive  Focus moves from ___ to others  IF NOT = feel stagnated

15 Integrity vs Despair  Late Life  Emphasis on making their life and life’s learning fit for them  Accepting ___________________ and feeling worthwhile  View one’s life as ____________________ and worth living  IF NOT = feel despair, depressed

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