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In Santa Isabel, P.R. 00791 and Sea Island, Inc. Wins Caribbean License to use & sell.

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1 In Santa Isabel, P.R. 00791 and Sea Island, Inc. Wins Caribbean License to use & sell






7 A fully loaded set of trays










17 Bamboo & CO2 The Supreme Court of the U.S.,President Obama, Nobel Peace prize winner Al Gore, as well as most leaders around the world have established that the global warming of the last 10,000 years has been exacerbated by man’s folly in burning coal, oil, natural gas, trees, plants, garbage, etc. This requires a global emergency response to remove the CO2 blanket that will, left alone, soon raise the oceans by many feet, destroy countless species, and replace freezing as a cause of death with excessive exposure to heat. Therefore, it is imperative that any Eco Plantation do more than just show how use of wind and sun with minimal use of water can keep our species alive and well fed. It must also show that it is doing its share to contain the plague of CO2 by including in its plan a way to incarcerate and sequester CO2 coming from man and all other critters that exhale CO2 except insofar as this gaseous compound is needed by oxygen producing plants! Our agriculture system must be altered so as to use less water, urgently needed by the rapid and uncontrolled growth of our population, and to avoid use of fossil fuels and man made fertilizer to generate agricultural products that we must either learn to produce without such social cost, or else learn to live a far simpler life style. We must replace use of concrete in PR that has proven to be more resistant to hurricane winds than former flimsy wooden and zinc roofed housing of the past, and find ways to build equally strong structures that are as resilient to wind as steel, but do not require huge amounts of power from burning fossil fuels. Equally as destructive is use of fuel to move huge trucks of concrete and other energy dependent man made building materials. Only bamboo can accomplish the mandated solution coming from the U.S. government as it attempts to join with the rest of the world in doing its share of the effort needed to bring the CO2 problem under control.

18 Bamboo for Puerto Rico Fortunately, PR is able to grow all of the useful varieties of bamboo, but the only one found commonly is not one of the ones so recognized! However, guadua.angustifolia and d.strictus, for example, are two that are most useful in construction and can be grown all over PR. The first is also an excellent choice to sequester CO2 and that will enable it to win carbon credits or cash from their sale to those who must go on burning fossil fuels and pay a penalty! It also is far faster at replacing itself when culms are harvested. Therefore, it is not surprising that the TTI technology has made room in its Eco Plantation business plan to include a substantial division that will look for ways to grow thousands of acres of bamboo in places where sugar cane used to be grown. It is actively engaged in doing the search for such lands and those who wish to know how to also see such planting generate additional revenue from a new high tech way to harvest and process into many new material products, the plant that grows fastest and is abundantly renewable!

19 Summary of plan… To an island like P.R. in a global economy Vertical Farming can be a winner! The chance to restore the small family farm can revitalize the culture of P.R. In an age when sustainability requires escape from oil based power, useful access to wind, solar and fuel cell technology will let Vertical Farm technology function off the grid without need for massive machines powered by oil based fuels. On an island crowded with four million humans and a water/sewer system that can’t seem to avoid losing much of its annual rainfall to run-off to the sea, the Vertical Farm will produce far ore volume with a lot less water. The resultant opportunities can be substantial for many more jobs to produce fish, vegetables and small fruits for both domestic and export purposes. For more information on how to be a part of this most promising technology,

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