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D ATA P ATH OF A PROCESSOR (MIPS) Module 1.1 : Elements of computer system UNIT 1.

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Presentation on theme: "D ATA P ATH OF A PROCESSOR (MIPS) Module 1.1 : Elements of computer system UNIT 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 D ATA P ATH OF A PROCESSOR (MIPS) Module 1.1 : Elements of computer system UNIT 1

2 W HAT IS D ATA PATH ? The collection of state elements, computation elements, and interconnections that together provide a conduit for the flow and transformation of data in the processor during execution.

3 T YPES OF ISA IN MIPS Broadly MIPS consists of three types of ISA: – R-Type : arithmetic-logical instructions: add, sub, and, or, slt – I-type : memory-reference instructions: lw, sw – J – type : control flow instructions: beq, j

4 B ASIC WORKING Generic Implementation: – Use the program counter (PC) to supply instruction address. – Get the instruction from memory – Read registers – Use the instruction to decide exactly what to do

5 A BSTRACT V IEW OF A MIPS I MPLEMENTATION Instructions start by using PC to supply instruction address to the Instruction Memory. After the instruction is fetched, the register operands used by the instruction are specified by the instruction fields Once the register operands are fetched, they can be operated upon, by the ALU to: – Compute a memory address for Load/store instructions – Compute an arithmetic result for Arithmetic instructions, or – Compute the address of next instruction for branch instructions For Arithmetic/logical instructions, the result from ALU must be written to a register. For Load/Store operations, the ALU result is used as an address to either store a value to a register in the bank or to load from a register

6 Step 3Step 4 Step 1 : Instructions start by using PC to supply instruction address to the Instruction Memory. Step 2

7 Step 1 Step 3 Step 4 Step 2 : After the instruction is fetched, the register operands used by the instruction are specified by the instruction fields

8 Step 1 Step 2 Step 4 Step 3: Once the register operands are fetched, they can be operated upon, by the ALU to: – Compute a memory address for Load/store instructions – Compute an arithmetic result for Arithmetic instructions, or – Compute the address of next instruction for branch instructions

9 Step 1 Step 2 Step 4 : For Load/Store operations, the ALU result is used as an address to either store a value to a register in the bank or to load from a register Step 3

10 MIPS - S IMPLE I MPLEMENTATION Lets look at which data path elements are needed for each class of instructions We first need a place to store instructions – The instruction memory holds and supplies instructions, given an address The address of the instruction also must be kept in a state element, called the Program Counter Lastly, we need an Adder to increment the PC to the address of the next instruction

11 MIPS - S IMPLE I MPLEMENTATION To implement R-type instructions, we need the Register file, and the ALU. We need to read two data words from the register file and write one data word into the register file. To read, we need an input to the file that specifies the address (5 bits = 2 5 = 32-bit register). To write, we need two inputs – register number, and data value. Writes are controlled by RegWrite control signal, which must be asserted for the write to occur on clock edge. ALU control : Refer to ppt on Alu and control signals

12 T HE DATAPATH FOR R- TYPE Instruction

13 D ATAPATH COMPONENTS FOR I-T YPE L OAD /S TORE INSTRUCTIONS General form: – lw $t1, offset_value ($t2) or sw $t1, offset_value ($t2) These instructions compute a memory address by adding the base register $t2, to the 16-bit signed offset field contained in the instruction. If the instruction is a Store, the value to be stored must also be read from the register file where it resides in $t1. If the instruction is a load, the value read from memory must be written into the register file, in a specific register $t1. In any case, we will need both register file and the ALU shown in the datapath for R-type instructions. In addition, we need a unit to sign-extend the 16-bit offset field in the instruction to a 32-bit signed value; and a memory unit to read from or write to. The data memory must be written on store instructions. Hence the DM unit has both MemRead and MemWrite control signals

14 T HE DATAPATH FOR L OAD /S TORE 1632 Sign extend b. Sign-extension unit Instruction MemRead MemWrite Data memory Write data Read data a. Data memory unit Address The datapath for load/store does a Register access, followed by a memory address calculation, then a read/write from data memory unit and finally, a write back into the register file if the instruction is a load.

15 D ATAPATH FOR I-T YPE C ONTROL F LOW INSTRUCTIONS General form: – beq $t1, $t2, offset Three operands, 2 registers that are compared for equality and one 16-bit offset that computes the branch target address relative to branch instruction address. To implement beq, we must compute the branch target address by adding the sign-extended offset field of the instruction to the PC. Keep in mind (Chapter 3): – The MIPS ISA specifies that the base for branch address calculation is the address of the instruction following the branch. PC+4 (address of the next instruction) is the base for computing branch target address. – The ISA also states that the offset field is shifted left 2 bits so that it is a word offset. This shift increases the effective range of the offset field by a factor of 4. In addition to computing the branch target address, we must also determine whether the next instruction is the next one in sequence or the instruction at the branch target address – I.e, we need to see if the branch is taken, based on comparing the register contents.

16 D ATAPATH FOR B RANCH ALU is used to to evaluate the branch condition; The Adder is used to compute the branch target address as the sum of PC +4 and the sign-extended lower 16-bits of the instruction (the branch displacement) shifted left by 2 bits.

17 T HE C OMPLETE D ATAPATH Building blocks for the 3 instruction types To share a data element between two instruction classes, we need to allow multiple connections to the input of an element and have a control signal to select among inputs Use multiplexors to stitch it all together Notice the 7 control signals i.e., PCsrc, ALUsrc, ALU operation, MemWrite, MemtoReg, MemRead, RegWrite

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