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Air Pollution. How to reduce global warming? Global warming affects our plant every day and can cause major environmental implications if not addressed.

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Presentation on theme: "Air Pollution. How to reduce global warming? Global warming affects our plant every day and can cause major environmental implications if not addressed."— Presentation transcript:

1 Air Pollution

2 How to reduce global warming? Global warming affects our plant every day and can cause major environmental implications if not addressed. It is the result of planet Earth releasing more and more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. In reviewing how to reduce global warming, many individuals have turned to reducing the amount of carbon dioxide they personally release into the atmosphere. This is also known as a person’s carbon footprint, and it can have a major impact on reducing global warming.


4 Replace plastic water bottles with a reusable one! Plastic water bottles create a vast amount of garbage in landfills, and many of the plastics used to make these bottles are not recyclable nor do they break down easily in landfills. Therefore, by switching plastic water bottles with a reusable bottle, a person can not only decrease the amount of trash in landfills, which contributes to carbon dioxide and methane gases in the atmosphere, but also can reduce the support that is going to companies that transport these plastic water bottles to the stores.

5 Here are 5 simple things you can do: 1) Change a light bulb! 2) Use the „off” switch & use less hot water!! 3) Drive less & drive smart! 4) Walk, bike, carpool or take mass transit more often. You'll save one pound of carbon dioxide for every mile you don't drive! 5) Buy energy-efficient products!

6 breathe… ?


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