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Save The Earth By Omkar Gadewar. About Earth  We are so lucky to have planet earth as our home but sadly pollution and other stuff is damaging our earth.

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Presentation on theme: "Save The Earth By Omkar Gadewar. About Earth  We are so lucky to have planet earth as our home but sadly pollution and other stuff is damaging our earth."— Presentation transcript:

1 Save The Earth By Omkar Gadewar

2 About Earth  We are so lucky to have planet earth as our home but sadly pollution and other stuff is damaging our earth  If we don’t save our earth life on earth will be gone forever!

3 Pollution Example - Great Pacific Garbage Patch

4 What is it and how it impacts?  Biggest of all garbage patches in the oceans  It is as big as twice the size of Texas  It has all the plastic waste, aluminum cans, Glass  Impacting thousands of birds and sea animals  Poison released from plastic that broke apart is dangerous to sea environment and to the sea creatures

5 How can we help ? Reuse Reuse:  Try not to buy a new product. Try and use the one you already have. Reduce:  Only take the amount you will use, So you have less trashRecycle:  Use products that can be reused and recycled So, Don’t forget the 3 R’s!!!

6 Plantation  Planting trees will reduce a gas called Carbon Dioxide which causes global warming  And also make more pure and non polluted air

7 Now Remember, Every Day is Earth Day !!!

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