SCHOOL BUS & ROAD SAFETY. Hi friends, I am Buddy. I travel by the school bus everyday. I understand the importance of school-bus safety in our lives.

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Presentation on theme: "SCHOOL BUS & ROAD SAFETY. Hi friends, I am Buddy. I travel by the school bus everyday. I understand the importance of school-bus safety in our lives."— Presentation transcript:


2 Hi friends, I am Buddy. I travel by the school bus everyday. I understand the importance of school-bus safety in our lives. Before we go ahead, let me introduce my friend TOTO-the-Tiger, who will take you through the safety rules for buses

3 Hi! I am TOTO. I am a Safety Champ, and I am here to talk about School Bus Safety Most of us travel by the school bus everyday. It is vital that we are aware of the bus safety rules

4 Eicher School Buses Lets get Street Smart!

5 Before we start our session, lets see why school bus safety is so important!

6 IMPORTANCE Following these rules ensures your safety on the road. Equips you with knowledge to prevent any mishap on the road. It makes you confident while travelling.

7 Now that we are aware of the importance of school bus safety, let’s see what it includes… Our session on School Bus Safety today will have 4 segments. Stay alert friends! There might be a surprise for you at the end.


9 A Danger Zone poses risk in terms of limited visibility of the driver as well as of oncoming traffic KNOWING DANGER ZONES What are Danger Zones? The “Danger Zone” is an area on all sides of the bus where you are at maximum risk of not being seen by the driver

10 Loitering around the bus should be avoided at all times Always maintain a safe distance from the bus, specially while crossing Danger Zones extend 12 feet in all directions from the bus KNOWING DANGER ZONES Be extra cautious while entering and exiting the bus

11 Be VERY CAREFUL when crossing the road even from behind the bus. Don't crowd or push, await your turn NEVER walk in front of the bus Not while getting on Not while getting off NEVER go under the bus – not even to pick up your stuff which might have fallen down NEVER stand near the rear-right of the bus Wait until the bus comes to a full stop Let’s see some rules to be followed while at the Bus Stop KNOWING DANGER ZONES

12 After exiting the bus move directly to the sidewalk and out of the DANGER ZONE. Move ahead of the bus to a spot about twelve feet ahead of the front bumper. Turn back to look at the bus driver and make eye contact. After the bus has left, cross the street while checking continuously for oncoming vehicles. After reaching the opposite side of the street, move onto the sidewalk and proceed directly to school/home Now lets see how to avoid ‘Danger Zones’ while exiting a School Bus KNOWING DANGER ZONES

13 Before we move on to our next segment, lets have a quick peek at the main points

14 A distance of 12 feet extending around the bus is a Danger zone Maintain discipline while entering or exiting the bus & look out for oncoming traffic Wait for the bus to leave before crossing the road RECAP


16 The second segment of the session would help you understand the safety rules while getting on the bus School Bus Safety begins from the point you leave your house and ends when you reach back home Lets start with knowing what is a safe way to Reach the Bus Stop GETTING ON THE BUS

17 Reaching the Bus Stop Walk with schoolmates or in groups whenever possible. Stay out of the street! Use sidewalks where available. and walk facing traffic; walking on the street is DANGEROUS When crossing streets, cross only at corners, look both ways first, and use crosswalks where marked.

18 Reaching the Bus Stop Look both ways for traffic. Cross the road from a safe distance Walk straight across the road – not at an angle. Walk quickly but do not run.


20 Now that you have reached the Bus Stop, it is important to follow the safety rules while Getting on the Bus Remain on the kerb and alert to danger. Do not approach the bus until it has come to a complete stop. Be careful when approaching the bus. Remember, if you can't see the bus driver, even he can't see you. Always cross from the front of the bus at the driver's signal. NEVER walk behind the bus! Enter and leave the bus in a single file.

21 Line up in single file with younger students at the front Go directly to your seat and sit facing forward Wait until the door is fully open, then board quickly and safely. Always use the handrail. Don’t run into the bus. And, be careful while getting on the bus if you are carrying anything.


23 Moving onwards to our next segment, which tells us about rules while travelling However, it is of utmost importance to follow guidelines to travel safe. I am sure most of you like to have fun while travelling to school Come on friends, let’s learn and adopt the ‘Safe way of travelling’

24 BEHAVING IN THE SCHOOL BUS Always keep your head & hands inside the window Never stand, walk or run in a moving bus Always follow the driver's/conductor's instructions Keep bags in your lap, under the seat or on the rack above

25 No fighting, shouting or playing in a moving bus Unless there is an emergency, never touch the emergency exit! Learn how to open the emergency exit Never throw litter out of the bus BEHAVING IN THE SCHOOL BUS


27 We have reached the last segment of our session This segment will show us how to safely exit a bus.

28 Stay in your seat until the bus has stopped Always use the handrail when getting off the bus Be extra careful in the DANGER ZONES Move to a safe distance away from the bus



31 In an Emergency : Do not panic in case of accident Follow the Driver/Conductor’s instructions You should know how to open the Emergency Exit But open it ONLY when the Driver/Conductor say so Elder children should FIRST HELP the younger children In an Emergency : Do not panic in case of accident Follow the Driver/Conductor’s instructions You should know how to open the Emergency Exit But open it ONLY when the Driver/Conductor say so Elder children should FIRST HELP the younger children

32 This brings us to the end of our safety session today. Before we end, lets see if you remember the key safety points Get ready for a Rapid Fire quiz!


34 What is the area around a bus, prone to accidents called ? DANGER ZONE Well, that was an easy one!

35 Why should you never cross the bus from the rear end? Ok! Let me give you three options! But there are no lifelines A). The driver cannot see you B). You cannot see the oncoming traffic C). Both of the above ? ? ? ? ? ? The correct answer is C) Both of the above

36 Great! One last question What is the correct way of crossing the road ? A) Moving at an angle B) Moving Straight ? ? ? ? ? ? The correct answer is: B) Moving Straight

37 So friends, today we learnt an important lesson in school bus safety I hope you will remember these tips and follow them daily Our safety is in our own hands. What we do sets an example for others

38 Keep in mind that your alertness and knowledge can save you And always remember :


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