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Try and arrive at the bus stop 5 minutes before your bus is due to arrive. Wait sensibly at the bus stop. Have your bus pass ready to show the driver.

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4 Try and arrive at the bus stop 5 minutes before your bus is due to arrive. Wait sensibly at the bus stop. Have your bus pass ready to show the driver. Stand back as the bus approaches the bus stop. Take care when boarding the bus, dont push or shove.


6 Find a seat and sit down. Put on your seatbelt, if one is provided. Stay in your seat for the whole journey. Remain sat forward with your feet on the floor. Dont block the aisle, seats or exits with your bags. Dont be too noisy, you may distract the driver.


8 Dont leave your seat until the bus has stopped. Dont rush for the door when the bus has stopped. Be aware of other traffic when getting off the bus. Wait until the bus has driven away before crossing the road.


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