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When he first came to Paris, he generally painted landscapes and harlequins. 1.

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Presentation on theme: "When he first came to Paris, he generally painted landscapes and harlequins. 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 When he first came to Paris, he generally painted landscapes and harlequins. 1

2 After the Blue Period he was influenced by the general gaiety and pink tonality of the Rose Period. 2

3 1920 1930 In 1920s he continued painting some landscapes which contrast so strongly with Cubism of the middle twenties. 3

4 Guernica He responded to the bombing of the civilian target of Guernica by the Nazis with his anti-war painting ‘Guernica’ 4

5 In spite of the fact that most of his works of the Blue Periodthe Blue Period were painted in Barcelona....Barcelona

6 He was influenced by this new trend on his second trip to Paris.Paris.

7 Although he was influenced by the Analytical form of Cubism in 1909...

8 through the year 1913 he began to give works which were in the form of Synthetic Cubism.Synthetic Cubism.

9 Blue Period is the period in which blue color was used to illustrate sadness.

10 Paris is the capital of France where a lot of famous painters lived.

11 Analytical Cubism reducing forms and volumes to their stereometric elements in drawings.

12 Synthetic Cubism constructing a new world in drawings beginning with stereometric elements.

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