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Amazing Artists A brief biography of Picasso By: Leigh White Education 467: Computers in Education.

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Presentation on theme: "Amazing Artists A brief biography of Picasso By: Leigh White Education 467: Computers in Education."— Presentation transcript:

1 Amazing Artists A brief biography of Picasso By: Leigh White Education 467: Computers in Education

2 Table of Contents Pablo Picasso Date and Place of Birth The Young Picasso The Blue Period The Rose Period The Spanish Civil War Expanding his Art In Memoriam

3 Pablo Picasso §1881-1973 §great artist of the 20th century §artisitic career spanned over 75 years §artwork now worth millions of dollars

4 Date and Place of Birth §Born on October 25, 1881 §Malaga, Spain §son of an artist, Jose Ruiz §his mother was Maria Picasso

5 The Young Picasso §His artisitic talents were evident at a young age. §At 14 years Picasso was admitted to the Academy of Fine Arts in Barcelona. §He completed the month-long qualifying exam in one day!

6 The Blue Period §This period lasted between 1901-1904 §known as “blue” period because of the tonality of his paintings §this was a sad time in Picasso’s life

7 The Rose Period §This period lasted between 1905-1906 §there was a dramatic shift in Picasso’s art §He became fascinated with acrobats, clowns, & wandering circus families.

8 The Spanish Civil War §1936-1939 §Picasso sided with the Spanish Republic §Appointed director of the Prado Museum §a bombing of Guernica inspired his mural, the anti-war painting “Guernica”

9 Expanding his Art §1940’s and the 1950’s §During WWII, Picasso lived in Paris and began making ceramics, as well as persuing new methods of lithography §By the 1950’s he was sculpting §In 1960 he made a 50-foot scultpure for the Chicago Civic Center

10 In Memoriam §Died April 8, 1973 at the age of 91 years. §Spent last days in Mougins, France §His incessant creativity characterized him, making him one of the greatest genuises of our time.

11 Picasso’s Art §Click on the print to view some of Picasso’s artwork! §(you do not need to buy, it is a good site with a lot of art)

12 Credits § § §

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