THE INTERACT PROGRAMME Contents:  Objectives  Delivery structure  Services  Themes  Target Groups and Networks  What is new?  Status of Knowledge.

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Presentation on theme: "THE INTERACT PROGRAMME Contents:  Objectives  Delivery structure  Services  Themes  Target Groups and Networks  What is new?  Status of Knowledge."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE INTERACT PROGRAMME Contents:  Objectives  Delivery structure  Services  Themes  Target Groups and Networks  What is new?  Status of Knowledge Management Development  New Communication Tools  Final note  Contribute, by its services, to: Increased efficiency and effectiveness of programmes Quality and know-how in Territorial Cooperation  Create a community of actors throughout Europe, facing the same daily issues, questions and challenges

2 THE INTERACT PROGRAMME Objectives  Act as a Platform for exchange of information, experience, good practices  Contribute, by its services, to: Increased efficiency and effectiveness of programmes Quality and know-how in Territorial Cooperation  Create a community of actors throughout Europe, facing the same daily issues, questions and challenges

3 Delivery structure  INTERACT Secretariat  INTERACT Point Turku  INTERACT Point Valencia  INTERACT Point Viborg  INTERACT Point Vienna Managing Authority: Bratislava Self GoverningRegion 4 Regional Networks THE INTERACT PROGRAMME

4 Services – standard and ad-hoc  Learning events: Trainings, Workshops and Seminars  Conferences at regional, national and European level  Advisory services  Laboratory groups and pilot networks  Information services: Practical Handbooks, Studies and Research Website: Newsletter Databases THE INTERACT PROGRAMME

5 Themes  Good Governance Practices  Capitalisation of former INTERREG experiences  Strategic Programme Planning  Programme Management  Financial Management  Project Management  Project Support  Audit and Control  Monitoring and Evaluation  Communication THE INTERACT PROGRAMME

6 Target Groups  Managing Authorities  Joint Technical Secretariats  Certifying Authorities  Audit Authorities and Groups of Auditors  Monitoring Committees Networks  EU-wide: Network of National Contact Persons  Regional: Regional Networks of Programmes within the area of each INTERACT Point  Specialised: Networks of specialists, e.g. Finance Managers Network, Communication Managers Network etc THE INTERACT PROGRAMME

7 What is new?  Closer to programmes and their needs, through the regional approach as well as structured needs analysis and meetings  More quality in how we deliver, through a structured INTERACT Quality Assurance system  More knowledge for the programmes, through Knowledge Management tools  Better communication service, through new tools

8 THE INTERACT PROGRAMME Phase1 – INTERREG III  Project data collection (Programmes + ESPON database) harmonised into a new Web database  Definition and identification of Flagship Projects  New KM Website with 3 Sections: Project Search, Themes & Keyword Browser Expected results  INTERREG III overview (Map/Charts/Graphs & statistical summary displaying data in terms of NUTS3 regional involvement, themes addressed, cooperation partners etc.)  Promotion of flagship projects to bring cooperation to life  Further consultation with programmes & other stakeholders Status of Knowledge Management development

9 THE INTERACT PROGRAMME Phase 2 – INTERREG IV  Use data collected by programmes from every project  Definition and identification of key cooperation themes & indicators  Links to other objectives and policy areas Expected results  Complete overview & statistical analysis of INTERREG IV programmes based on comparable data  More detailed queries according to a key-themes/keywords system  Start KM Thematic & Network events/studies/initiatives Status of Knowledge Management development

10 THE INTERACT PROGRAMME New Communication tools  Interactive website – automatic updating of contact information, easy registration to INTERACT events, comments and personal bookmarking, suggest tags  E-learning Online eligibility e-learning tool to be updated  INTERACT Newsletter Re-launching INTERACT News November 2008, focusing on Programme Closure  INTERACT Newsflash Keep up-to-date on coming events

11 THE INTERACT PROGRAMME Finally, please take a look at our new website: Thanks for your attention!

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