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Regions for Economic Change | LMP Workshop 3C When exchanging is good for innovation: Experiences from the Lisbon Monitoring Platform How can INTERACT.

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Presentation on theme: "Regions for Economic Change | LMP Workshop 3C When exchanging is good for innovation: Experiences from the Lisbon Monitoring Platform How can INTERACT."— Presentation transcript:

1 Regions for Economic Change | LMP Workshop 3C When exchanging is good for innovation: Experiences from the Lisbon Monitoring Platform How can INTERACT contribute to Networking for Results? 17 February 2009 | Brussels

2 Objectives Act as a Platform for exchange of information, experience, good practices Contribute, by its services, to: Increased efficiency and effectiveness of programmes Quality and know-how in Territorial Cooperation Create a community of actors throughout Europe, facing similar daily issues, questions and challenges How can INTERACT contribute to Networking for Results?

3 Delivery structure INTERACT Secretariat INTERACT Point Turku INTERACT Point Valencia INTERACT Point Viborg INTERACT Point Vienna Managing Authority: Bratislava Self Governing Region 4 Regional Networks How can INTERACT contribute to Networking for Results?

4 Themes Good Governance Practices Capitalisation of former INTERREG experiences Strategic Programme Planning Programme Management Financial Management Project Management Project Support Audit and Control Monitoring and Evaluation Communication Networks EU-wide: Network of National Contact Persons Regional: Regional Networks of Programmes within the area of each INTERACT Point Specialised: Networks of specialists, e.g. Finance Managers Network, Communication Managers Network etc How can INTERACT contribute to Networking for Results?

5 Rationale for Knowledge Management & Capitalisation Frequently Asked Questions! Do we focus on the real needs in our regions or areas? Do we have strong evidence to support the rationale for programme & project development? Can we identify transferable results? Do we know other regions which face similar challenges? On a larger scale, can we make a compelling case for cooperation? How can INTERACT contribute to Networking for Results?

6 Creating a project culture that targets the identification of change and transferable results Allowing regions for a deep understanding of shared challenges and experiences to date Linking cooperation to other policies and building links to projects under other programmes By taking a European view we can provide convincing statistical evidence on the results of cooperation Demonstrating the benefits of European Territorial Cooperation Identify policy gaps and synergies, providing better guidance for decision- making; How can INTERACT contribute to Networking for Results?

7 The thematic interaction among projects dealing with common issues will raise awareness of what is going on in different cooperation areas The exchange of this knowledge will ensure that every new project can build strongly on the lessons of past programmes Mechanism for capturing and comparing projects information on EU level Documenting, processing and transferring of information into a common knowledge base To provide statistical evidence about the results of cooperation that is not available from individual programmes Systematic analysis of knowledge it will be possible to setup a benchmarking tool and learning base of the results achieved How can INTERACT contribute to Networking for Results?


9 23/24 March Bratislava Prototype of the KEEP tool on: All the INTERREG III A,B,C programmes All the INTERREG III projects' data and information Sample of the European Territorial Cooperation projects 23/24 March Bratislava Prototype of the KEEP tool on: All the INTERREG III A,B,C programmes All the INTERREG III projects' data and information Sample of the European Territorial Cooperation projects partnership intensity between countries, regions and themes for cooperation thematic "hot spots in different regions (different countries) thematic link between which country (and regions) working together budgets per theme projects covering different themes and types of themes which work together Demonstration of the detailed statistics on sample of Flagship projects Session on KEEP and : --Programme monitoring and evaluation -Programme communication -Project legacy - European Territorial Cooperation and regional policies Session on KEEP and : --Programme monitoring and evaluation -Programme communication -Project legacy - European Territorial Cooperation and regional policies How can INTERACT contribute to Networking for Results?

10 Innovation capabilities of SMEs Networks between Edu-Higher Institutions/R&TD/ SMEs Knowledge and Technology transfer between R&TDs-SMEs Innovative Entrepreneurship (processes,products,services) Joint financial engineering instruments ICT, digital networks, innovative services Public-Private partnerships in the economic sectors No. and type of projects facilitating innovation MAIN THEMEKEY PRIORITIESCORE INDICATORS OUTPUT/RESULTS INDICATORS No./type of projects promoting female entrepreneurship PROGRAMME COUNTRYCOUNTRY REGIONREGION STRAND Projects / Activities / Results / Impacts HOW to identify PARTNERS/REGIONS and GOOD PRACTICES HOW to identify PARTNERS/REGIONS and GOOD PRACTICES INNOVATION THEME How can INTERACT contribute to Networking for Results?

11 User PROGRAMMES All ETC, Convergence, Competitiveness and Employment programmes Services - Benchmarking with other programmes - European view of territorial cooperation - networking with other programmes/stakeholders - Commnication toool for programme visibility User PROJECTS Lead Partners, Project Partners, Potential Partners Services - To elaborate innovative project contents - To learn from other projects exchange good practice - Partner development search - Commnication tool User POLICY MAKERS Eurpoean institutions, National, Regional and local public Authorities Services - To understand trends in EU programmes, to assist in decision making - To find trends for country/region/local area/EU wide - To have evidence on work of ETC to influence the policy debate User MEDIA Printed EU- wide, national regional and local press, Online press, freelance journalists Services - get accurate data about local, regional national and European activities - to be informed on thematic interventions in EU under regional development - get accurate data about ERDF funding under ETC User PUBLIC/PRIV. SECTOR Universities, Research centres, NGOs, SMEs Services - To have information on the aggregate level - Specific thematic research - Potential business opportunities - Networking User CITIZENS All ETC, Convergence, Competitiveness and Employment programmes Services - To find out about the use of European Territorial Cooperation and how it impacts in their daily life - To exchange ideas with other people, exchange with programmes and projects - How can INTERACT contribute to Networking for Results?


13 Thank you very much for your attention. Please don´t hesitate to contact us for further information or visit

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