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The URBACT II Programme General Presentation Vilnius, 20 January 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "The URBACT II Programme General Presentation Vilnius, 20 January 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 The URBACT II Programme General Presentation Vilnius, 20 January 2011

2 Title of presentation I Thursday, 13 August 2015 I Page 2 URBACT II - Main objectives  a European Programme of Territorial Cooperation aiming to promote Integrated and Sustainable Urban Development in EU cities ( jointly financed by ERDF and the Member States – budget 69 M€ )  with 4 main objectives: - To facilitate exchange and learning activities among urban policy-makers, decision-makers, practitioners - To draw lessons and build knowledge based on ground realities (capitalization) - To disseminate good practices and lessons drawn from the transnational exchanges - To support city policy-makers and practitioners, as well as Managing Authorities of Operational Programmes, to define action plans for sustainable urban development

3 URBACT II Challanges › To foster the impact of the exchange and learning activities on local policies among the partners of the Programme › To foster the capitalisation and dissemination process to a wider european audience of practionners, policy-makers, decision-makers

4 URBACT II – 2007/2013 › Beneficiaries: - Cities (without minimum size in tems of population) - local/ regional/ national authorities - universities/ research centers › 27 Member States + Norway & Switzerland

5 Main tools of the URBACT Programme › Thematic Network: Strong focus on local dimension of partners involved Composition of the partnership: Cities + maximum of 3 others public institutions Partnership: minimum 8 – maximum 12 Balance Competitivness and Convergence cities 50/50 Compulsory production of LAP for all the partners Duration: 36 months (6 Dev. Phase + 30 Impl. Phase) Budget: 710.000€ › Working Groups Composition of partnership: open to other public institutions different than cities (minimum 3 citis) Partnership: minimum 6 – maximum 8 Duration: 24 months (4 Dev. Phase + 20 Impl. Phase) Budget: 300.000€

6 Thematic Coverage Priority 1 - Cities, Engines of Growth and Jobs › Promoting Entrepreneurship › Improving Innovation and Knowledge economy › Employment and Human Capital Priority 2 - Attractive and Cohesive Cities › Integrated development of deprived areas and areas at risk › Social integration › Environmental issues › Strategy and Governance

7 Title of presentation I Thursday, 13 August 2015 I Page 7 URBACT Methodology 3 pillars: a) Producing Local Action Plans (LAP) b) Setting up & running URBACT Local Support Groups (ULSG) c) Associating of Managing Authorities (MA) of Operational Programmes to project activities

8 Title of presentation I Thursday, 13 August 2015 I Page 8 Local Action Plans › Each project partner commits to produce a Local Action Plan (LAP) within the framework of the project › LAP should be a concrete output of the exchange and learning process, aiming at solving a specific problem › LAP should be the result of a collective process organised at local level by each partner (ULSG level) › No pre-defined template as content and format should depend on the needs/ situation of each partner › Guidance will be provided (Lead expert/ peer-review/US)

9 Title of presentation I Thursday, 13 August 2015 I Page 9 URBACT Local Support Group › Each project partner commits to set up and animate an URBACT Local Support Group (ULSG) gathering local stakeholders concerned by the issue addressed › Project partners shall ensure participation of ULSG to project activities, and more especially to: -production of input for exchange & learning activities (case studies) -production of the Local Action Plan › In each Thematic Network, a minimum budget of 70.000 € shall be dedicated to the functioning of ULSG

10 Involvment of the Managing Authorities › Projects are strongly recommended to associate Managing Authorities (MA) of Operational Programmes to their activities › This should allow: -to link the Local Action Plan to be produced to potential funding available in the Operational programmes -to facilitate exchange & learning among MA with regard to the definition and implementation of urban development policies › A dedicated budget of 40.000€ for the involvment of the Managing Authorities

11 Fostering Capitalisation & Dissemination At Programme level 3 Thematic Poles set up so far - Cities engines of growth and jobs - Cities, Social inclusion & Governance - Cities & integrated sustainable development › Website › Thematic Publications and Studies (URBACT Tribune, Crisis Study, etc.) › Thematic Events (Annual Conferences, Open Events, City Labs, ULSG Summer University) › Cooperation with other relevant organisations (INTERREG, ESPON, Interact, OECD) › National Dissemination Points

12 URBACT today › Two Calls for Proposals launched so far. › 6 Working Groups already closed › 19 Thematic Networks approved under the I Call (official closure spring 2011) › 9 Thematic Networks approved under the II Call (official closure January 2013) › Partners already involved: 280 cities partners (19 out of 27 capital cities) 14 national/ regional authorities 12 universities and research centers

13 URBACT Figures


15 Next steps: How to apply? Next Call for Proposals: To be launched in December 2011/January 2012 Staged procedure › Development Phase (6 months) › Implementation Phase (30months)

16 Staged Procedure Call for proposals/Decl. of Interest Assessment Approval Phase 1 Check + Approval Phase 2 Implementation Development JTS: Joint Technical Secretariat – MA: Managing Authority – EAP: External Assessment Panel – MC: Monitoring Committee

17 Staged Procedure › First Submission – Decalration of Interest: Submission of the Declaration of Interest (initial partnership of 5 cities and first elements of project’s structure) Eligibility Check (by the Secretariat) and Quality Assessment (by the EAP) Decision of the Monitoring Committe › Development Phase To finalise the partnership To finalise the thematic network structure and to agree a detailed work plan, To carry out a baseline study, To set up URBACT Local Support Groups, To prepare and sign all the contractual documents › Second Submission – Finall Application

18 › Publication of the Call for Proposals on the website › URBACT newsletter › Collaborative and open space to share projects ideas and searching of partners › Organisation of National Information Days

19 For more information : Raffaele Barbato Project Officer URBACT Joint Technical Secretariat 0033 149174752


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