The Enlightenment World Civilizations Madison Southern High School.

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1 The Enlightenment World Civilizations Madison Southern High School

2 What’s the Story?! Advances in Science resulted in a scientific revolution and convinced people of the power of reason. What does it mean to use “reason”? This is the ability to think logically and solve a problem. Reason could be used to help society.

3 What Else? The Enlightenment was a time of optimism where it was believed that reason could be used to solve all human problems. Paris was the center of this intellectual movement. People began to question the government and its role in their lives.

4 And there’s more… The reign of Louis XIV (14), his great grandson Louis XV (15), and his great-great grandson Louis XVI (16), helped to prompt the movement.

5 What About GIRLS?! Wealthy Parisian women hosted gatherings called salons to discuss these ideas. The ideas that were discussed in Salons began to spread through writing.

6 New Views on Government

7 Thomas Hobbes Leviathan (1651). People are selfish and greedy. We need government to maintain order. Should give up freedoms to a strong leader in order to achieve safety – Social Contract. Believed the best form of government was an absolute monarchy.

8 John Locke Two Treatises on Government (1690). People were naturally tolerant and reasonable. We’re born with three natural rights – Life, Liberty, and Property. Purpose of government is to protect those rights. If government failed to do so, it should be overthrown by the governed.

9 Jean-Jacques Rousseau French philosopher (1712-1778). His major work, The Social Contract, was significant. Government should work for the benefit of the common good. Argued that people were born innocent and were good at heart. It was civilization that corrupted people. Best government was a Direct Democracy.

10 Baron de Montesquieu The Spirit of Laws (1758). Argued that the best form of government included a separation of powers. Advocated for various branches of government. A separation of political powers ensured freedom and liberty for people. Ideas influenced the United States government.

11 New Views on Society

12 Voltaire French, 1712-1788. Essay on the Customs and Spirits of Nations (1756). Wrote against the injustices of society – free speech. “Every man is guilty of all the good he didn’t do.” “It is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong.” “I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.”

13 Diderot French, 1713-1784. Wrote an Encyclopedia to compile all the new works being written at the time. 17 volumes, thousands of articles, questioned religion. Criticized intolerance, legal injustice, and anachronistic (outdated) social institutions.

14 Mary Wollstonecraft English, 1759-1797. Vindication of the Rights of Women (1792). Rejected the idea that the new philosophies only applied to men. “I do not wish women to have power over men; but over themselves.”

15 Adam Smith English, 1723-1790. Major work – Wealth of Nations. Argued for a free market economy – Laissez Faire. Government should rarely intervene in the market. The natural spirit of competition in human beings means they will improve their lives themselves.

16 Final Thoughts In your opinion, which philosopher makes the most sense to you? Which philosophers ideas do you not agree with?

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