Staffing Miss Houghton- all week Mrs Hickling- Mondays, Tuesday and Thursdays. Mrs Simmons – Wednesdays and Fridays.

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2 Staffing Miss Houghton- all week Mrs Hickling- Mondays, Tuesday and Thursdays. Mrs Simmons – Wednesdays and Fridays

3 Morning Routines Reading record and book everyday Water bottle in box Book bag in tray Readers and book changes Children do morning activities in their reading groups.

4 Communication Always happy to discuss any problems/queries. No matter how small it may seem! Catch me after school Notes or letters in the mornings Phone or email the office to make an appointment Consultation evenings

5 PE PE days are Thursday and Friday. No jewellery All kit to be named Flexibility- please keep PE kit in school at all times if possible.

6 Example of an typical week (this is flexible)

7 Class Charter Star Mathematician Star Writer Bernie Bear- weekend diary Cubes in a pot – collective House points

8 Homework Expectations Read at home at least 5 times a week. Spelling homework will be sent out on a Friday. We will work on these spellings in a variety of ways throughout the next week and revisit them during the term. Homework challenge sheet.


10 Reading Reading Wheel – including comprehension and listening activities. Guided reading Individual readers in the mornings Phonics – big book Early bird reading twice a week.

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