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5/5 MONDAY What are the steps in criminal or civil court proceedings? (you pick) AGENDA: Review Test: p48-51 Work on assignments/12 Angry Men.

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Presentation on theme: "5/5 MONDAY What are the steps in criminal or civil court proceedings? (you pick) AGENDA: Review Test: p48-51 Work on assignments/12 Angry Men."— Presentation transcript:

1 5/5 MONDAY What are the steps in criminal or civil court proceedings? (you pick) AGENDA: Review Test: p48-51 Work on assignments/12 Angry Men

2 5/6 Political Party Tuesday If you know anything about political parties, you probably THINK you know where you fall…do you consider yourself a Democrat, Republican or Independent and why? Agenda: Test review Which party are you? Notes p37-1000 It’s gonna be a hot one today!

3 On back of sheet Research how the donkey and elephant came to represent the Republican and Democrat party. Your response needs to be at least 10 sentences.

4 Political Party Organization P 39

5 Membership Who can be a member? –ANYONE Requirements? –Be registered to vote What party members do? –Vote and elect ppl who have similar beliefs as you. (if you are republican, then you will probably vote for candidates who are republican.)

6 Organizations Local: most important –PRECINTS: district or area –Each city or county is divided into districts called precincts. All voting takes place here!** Called a polling place –There will be one near you!

7 State, National Level National Conventions: circle this definition

8 CONVENTION: meeting of party delegates to name people they think would be a good candidate for their party Every 4 years PRIMARY ELECTION: party members (you) go vote to determine how many votes would candidate would get: Example: Obama, Hillary Clinton, John Edwards (all Democrats) CAUCUS: a meeting of party leaders to name candidates…

9 You can find out how the parties differ by reading their platform (fence) –Platform : statements about their principles, beliefs and positions on issues. Each individual statement or part of the platform is known as a plank. (parts of the fence) Ex of planks: Health care The enviornment Terrorism Immigration

10 Today’s Political Parties Page 40

11 Select and Support Select candidates: –through the stuff on the TRIANGLE! Supporting Candidates: – helping hang signs, wear stickers, help campaign (advertise) Patronage: –Support, encouragement, $ that an organization or individual gives to another.

12 Information Informing the public: –you have to get your name out there or how else would we know?? Keep voters aware of party goals Help candidates get elected to office Methods?? –Hang signs –Canvass (go door to door) –Mass media (use tv, radio, newspaper, internet) –Emailing –POLLS (sample surveys)

13 People’s Beliefs GRASSROOTS MOVEMENT: political idea that starts with the CITIZENS!

14 Watch Dogs… Political Parties keep watch over each other WHY? –To make sure that each is following the rules –Insures good gov’t –Alerts citizens to corruption

15 Party Roles Today Parties are weaker today than in the past –People now vote on issues more than party affiliation Less party loyalty More media influences (commercials) NON PARTISAN ELECTIONS: (non-party) –L. Ashley –B. Elmo PARTISAN ELECTIONS (party name there) –L. Ashley (D) –B. Elmo (R)

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