Mazovia. Map of Mazovia Here is Mazovia Location Mazovia covers an area of 35,597 square kilometers and is the largest administrative region of the country.

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1 Mazovia

2 Map of Mazovia Here is Mazovia

3 Location Mazovia covers an area of 35,597 square kilometers and is the largest administrative region of the country. Its area accounts for 11.4% of Poland's territory. From the west Mazovia borders on Kujawsko-Pomorskie and Łódzkie Provinces; from the north on Warmińsko-Mazurskie; from the east on Podlaskie and Lubelskie, and from the south - on Świętokrzyskie Province.

4 Economy Mazovia is the unquestionable business leader. It concentrates nearly 18% of all businesses registered in the country. There are 8,926 enterprises in the public sector, which accounts for only 2.1%. The remainder, almost 330,000, are private companies. Types of activity (%) (chart): 39% - retail 13.5% - manufacturing 12.6% - servicing of real estate and business 10.2% - construction 8,5% - transportation, telecommunication, storing

5 Culture Warsaw is the undeniable cultural center of Poland. It is also the natural result of the functions of the capital that are fulfilled by this city. In Warsaw can be found the vast majority of culture-propagating institutions, associations and unions which gather artists, prestigious artistic events and creators of art who live here. There are 24 professional theaters, 100 galleries presenting contemporary art, over 50 museums, nearly 3,000 publishers. Among the cultural and art institutions of national significance the following ones should be mentioned: National Library (with 6.5 million volumes in its collection), National Philharmonic, Great Theater - National Opera, National Museum, National Gallery of Contemporary Art "Zachęta", Contemporary Art Center in Ujazdowski Castle.

6 Tourism and recreation The flat landscape of Mazovia Province, varied by the Vistula, Bug, Narew, Pilica and Bzura river beds, with the following forests: Biała, Bolimowska, Iłżecka, Kamieniecka, Kampinoska, Kozienicka and Zielona, abounding in lakes - favors various forms of tourism. For the hiking enthusiasts routes of over 2,000 kilometers have been marked out. For instance the Jan Kochanowski trail runs through Kozieniecka Forest and leads to Czarnolas, where the poet's museum is located; the Green Trail leads through the reserves of the Bolimowski Landscape Park to the baroque-classical palace in Radziejowice, the former residence of primates. In the area of Warsaw one can wander around the most beautiful area of the Kampinoski National Park and visit the Museum of Kampinoska Forest.

7 Business environment As befits the business leader there is a significant potential related to companies and institutions creating the so-called business environment that is concentrated in Mazovia. There are about 500 bank institutions: PKO BP has 84 branches in Mazovia, 34 branch offices and 423 agencies; Powszechny Bank Kredytowy has 70 institutions at its disposal, whereas Kredyt Bank PBI - 40. The presence of Bank Przemysłowo-Handlowy, Bank Śląski and Bank Gospodarki Żywnościowej is very noticeable too.


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