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Roman Jeopardy Map LocationsBig EventsEmperorsIn OrderPotpourri 10 20 30 40 50.

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Presentation on theme: "Roman Jeopardy Map LocationsBig EventsEmperorsIn OrderPotpourri 10 20 30 40 50."— Presentation transcript:

1 Roman Jeopardy Map LocationsBig EventsEmperorsIn OrderPotpourri 10 20 30 40 50

2 Rome What city is indicated by the red star on the map?

3 Carthago Nova What city is indicated by the red star on the map?

4 Asia Minor What region is indicated by the red star on the map?

5 Tyrrhenian Sea Identify the sea indicated by the red star on the map.

6 Tyrrhenian Se Sardinia What island is indicated by the red star on the map?

7 This event occurred because Carthage feared Rome would attempt to take Sicily from them. 1 st Punic War

8 The murder of these brothers marks the beginning of the use of violence as a political tool in Roman history. Gaius and Tiberius Gracchus

9 Carthage is destroyed, and its population is enslaved. 3 rd Punic War

10 Hannibal leaves Carthago Nova at the beginning of this event. 2 nd Punic War

11 Rome is sacked by this group, which signals the end of the western Roman Empire. Visigoths

12 Appointed his favorite horse as consul. Caligula

13 May have started a fire that burned down most of Rome. Nero

14 Antony and Cleopatra were defeated in Alexandria by this person. Octavian

15 This group of emperors were descendants of Caesar, but had very troubled reigns with many violent deaths. Julian Emperors

16 Emperor that converted to Christianity on his deathbed. Constantine

17 Place these events in order: Caesar defeats Pompey Caesar is elected consul 1 st Triumvirate is formed 1 st Triumvirate, Consul, Defeats Pompey

18 Place these events in order: Rule of Constantine Rule of Sulla Rule of Caligula Rule of Hadrian Sulla, Caligula, Hadrian, Constantine

19 Place these events in order: Assassination of Julius Caesar Murder of Tiberius Gracchus Cleopatra commits suicide Paul is martyred Gracchus, Caesar, Cleopatra, Paul

20 Put these events in order: Hannibal defeated Caligula is murdered Sicily becomes part of Rome Brutus plots to kill the dictator Sicily becomes part of Rome Hannibal defeated Brutus plots to kill the dictator Caligula is murdered

21 Put these events in order: Christianity is declared a protected religion. Julian Emperors Rome is sacked Diocletian splits empire Good Emperors Rome defeats Macedonia Macedonia, Julian, Good, Diocletian, Christianity, Rome is sacked.

22 Led a slave revolt that ended with mass crucifixion. Spartacus

23 Term for a person learned in religious law and scriptures Rabbi

24 Highest political official during the republic. This post was only available to patricians at first, and had the power to veto the other person in this position. consul

25 A payment for damages caused: indemnity

26 Author of The Aeneid Virgil

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