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Presentation on theme: "HINDUISM “RELIGION IN THE INDIAN SUB- CONTINENT”."— Presentation transcript:


2 Ancient, rich, complex belief system

3 * Controlling every aspect of life: social, economic, and political * Product of a long period of development and evolution

4 Deities in the Rig -Veda: * Nature powers (sun, moon, storm) totaling 33 major gods * Anthropomorphic (man-like or animal-like, transformable)

5 INDRA: Chief in Importance “slayer of monsters” “war god of victory”

6 VARUNA: Great Ethical God of the Sky associated with the moon and storms bringing needed rains,

7 Varuna… “ability to see all sins” “forgives and releases from punishment”

8 YAMA: God of the Dead

9 * Future life had two paths: souls of the good and heroic join Yama in a idealized, spiritual earth, the evil are hurled to bottomless pit

10 NEW IDEAS: A. Karma * “Law of sowing and reaping” “Law of the Deed” (what goes around, comes around) * Accumulated impact of good or evil deeds being repeated to you

11 B. Transmigration * Reincarnation- material rebirth) * Common in other cultures, but embraced in India, * Including whole range of animal life

12 KARMA & REINCARNATION LINKED TOGETHER… * Ultimate goal = escape earth ! * But evil deeds done would force one to be reborn (reincarnated) in order to face punishment (“Law of Karma”)

13 WHEEL OF LIFE: Man found himself on endless cycle of rebirth (punishment for evil deeds or reward for good deeds) reflected in the status of the rebirth (class of person or type of animal)

14 RITUALS AND WORSHIP: * Goal to reach state of perfect mental peace and oneness with spiritual world

15 * Meditation released mind from body/material concerns * Yoga (exercises to suppress bodily activities)

16 Goddess Saraswati Hindu Deity of Learning and Knowledge

17 SOCIETAL CHANGES: * Caste system of rigid, societal classes developed Why? * (Law of Karma?)

18 * Priest class emerges, (philosophy documented in two writings- Brahmanas and Upansihads) * Priests in touch with spiritual world, best suited to conduct sacrifices, best suited to teach youth

19 Caste (Varna) System: Brahmin (priests, teachers) Warriors, Rulers Farmers, Merchants, Artisans Laborers Untouchables

20 HINDU TRINITY EMERGES: * Multiple earth gods viewed as different aspects of one, father-figure god, Brahman

21 * Brahman becomes seen as three personalities: Brahma-the Creator, Vishnu- the Preserver, Siva- the Destroyer

22 Brahma the creator

23 Vishnu the protector (originally a god of the Sun)

24 Incarnation of Vishnu as a boar… (others include fish, Krishna, Buddha, and one yet to come…)

25 Krishna, an epic hero, cowherder, and “savior” figure

26 Shiva (Siva) worshipped indirectly through his wife of many names...


28 Khali (Shiva’s wife) the most terrible, object of bloodiest sacrifices

29 Vedic Gods Survive: * Village shrines continue offerings and animal sacrifices to minor gods,

30 * Pilgrimages to sacred Ganges River (sacred city of Benares)

31 * Multiple temples built to minor gods

32 Ganesha still one of the most popular gods in India...

33 Son of the goddess Shiva,

34 “destroyer of obstacles”

35 People pray to Ganesha for “siddhi” (success) and “buddhi” intelligence

36 No new venture is begun without his assistance

37 Modern temple to Ganesha...

38 The enduring tradition

39 The Ramayan is an epic poem (300 BCE) still popular today; it sets high standards for morality and devotion through its hero, Rama.

40 Born the son of a king, since childhood Rama portrays the brave, ideal role model for young men and husbands.

41 His wife, Sita, represents the ideal of beauty and duty to one’s husband...

42 One day, he must leave a life of luxury, due to conflict over the inheritance to his father’s throne…

43 Rama and Sita, with their servants, are banished to live in the forest.

44 However, unknown to him, Rama is really an incarnation of the god Vishnu.

45 Finding Sita most beautiful and desirable, the evil king of Lanka, Ravana, kidnapped her and carried her away to his island kingdom.

46 Rama responds by enlisting the help of the Monkey King and his army...

47 Rama leads the forces into an attack on Lanka...

48 He slays the evil Ravana...

49 …bringing Sita back to their home and to safety...

50 Where they return to their original happiness...

51 And the brave Rama is crowned king.

52 HINDUISM “Salvation” evolving from sacrifices, to knowledge, to devotion.


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