Key Issue #1: How have urban areas grown? Sao Paulo, Brazil.

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1 Key Issue #1: How have urban areas grown? Sao Paulo, Brazil

2  Urbanization – the process by which the population of cities grows  2 Dimensions: 1. Increase in the number of people living in cities 2. Increase in the percentage of people living in cities

3  A measure of development  In PEDs – ¾ of people live in urban areas  In PINGs – 2/5 of people live in urban areas  An exception – Latin America  Why do people move to the city? o In PEDs – the result of the Industrial Revolution and service jobs o In PINGs – search for jobs; declining opportunities on the farm

4  PEDs have a higher percentage of people in cities, but PINGs have more of the large urban settlements  Most of the top ten cities are currently in PINGs  Top Ten cities ranking Top Ten cities ranking Tokyo, Japan

5  Growth of urban areas in PINGs is the reversal of Western Europe…it is not a measure of development  Where is the growth coming from? o 50% is coming from the countryside o 50% results from high natural increase rates



8  In rural areas – you know the other inhabitants  You might be related to them!  In urban areas – you only know a small percentage of the other inhabitants

9  The only way for large numbers of people to survive in a small area is through specialization  Each person in an urban area plays a special role to allow the system to function smoothly  High density causes people to compete for survival in limited space


11  The larger the settlement, the greater the variety of people  Urban areas provide for more freedom to pursue an unusual profession, sexual orientation, or cultural interest  Urban residents are more tolerant of diverse social behavior

12  His distinctions between urban and rural settlements may still apply in PINGs, but in PEDs, distinctions have blurred  Geographers look for physical definitions to distinguish between urban and rural

13  City – an urban settlement that has been legally incorporated into an independent, self-governing unit o Elects officials o Can raise taxes o Responsible for providing essential services  Central city – a city that is surrounded by suburbs

14  A central city plus and its contiguous built up suburbs where population density exceeds 1000 people per square mile  About 70% of the U.S. population live in urban areas, divided equally between the central city and surrounding areas

15  An MSA includes the following o A central city with a population of at least 50,000 o The county within which the city is located o Adjacent counties with a high population density and a large percentage of residents working in the central city’s county


17  A county between two central cities may send commuters in either direction  Megalopolis – metropolitan areas that overlap  Bosnywash – the areas from D.C., to New York and Boston form a large complex of cities

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