How to Use a Comma Rule 1: Use commas to separate items in a series. The car racedscreechedand crashed.,,

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Presentation on theme: "How to Use a Comma Rule 1: Use commas to separate items in a series. The car racedscreechedand crashed.,,"— Presentation transcript:


2 How to Use a Comma

3 Rule 1: Use commas to separate items in a series. The car racedscreechedand crashed.,,

4 There were fingerprints at the top on the sides and on the bottom.,,

5 Rule 2: Use a comma to separate two or more adjectives that come before a noun. Jupiter is a large, strange planet.

6 Mario played a powerful brilliant game of volleyball.,

7 Rule 3: Use a comma before and, but, for, or, nor, so, and yet when they join independent clauses in a compound sentence. Jill offered to get tickets, and I accepted.

8 Tommy was excited to trick or treat but he didn’t get much candy.,

9 Rule 4: Use commas to set off an expression that interrupts a sentence. The couple dancing to the music did not hear the doorbell.,, Nonessential phrase

10 Vernon my cousin was born in Australia.,, Appositive

11 Molly please answer the door., Direct address

12 Bob on the contrary prefers soccer to basketball.,, Parenthetical

13 Rule 5: Use a comma after certain introductory elements. Yes you may borrow my bicycle. Use a comma after yes, no, or mild exclamations like why or well at the beginning of a sentence.,

14 Beginning a new school year Zelda felt somewhat nervous., Participial phrase

15 At the bottom of the hill you will see the baseball field., Two or more prepositional phrases

16 After I finish my homework I will go to the park., Adverb clause

17 Rule 6: Use commas in certain conventional situations. Bobby Smith 123 Smart St. St. Louis MO 63125, Santa Claus 1 Reindeer Lane Toytown North Pole 00000, In Addresses

18 Continued:Salutations and Closings Dear Santa Love Bobby,, I know I haven’t always been a good boy lately but I’ve been trying. Tony my little brother has been much worse. Anyway for Christmas I would like a train a bike and a new improved stereo if that wouldn’t be too much trouble. Well I’ve got to go. Thanks.,,,,,,,,,

19 The End

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