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READ 0200 SPRING 2013 W01, W02, W03,W04, W05, W06 Adalia Reyna, Instructor.

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Presentation on theme: "READ 0200 SPRING 2013 W01, W02, W03,W04, W05, W06 Adalia Reyna, Instructor."— Presentation transcript:

1 READ 0200 SPRING 2013 W01, W02, W03,W04, W05, W06 Adalia Reyna, Instructor

2 All class presentations ( including this one) can be downloaded at: and On Black Board

3 Placement in reading 200 Completion of Read 0100 with a grade of “C” or better an Accuplacer score of 50-77; THEA score of 190-229; ASSET score of 34-40; or, COMPASS score of 68-80

4 Developmental Reading Program Reading 100 Reading 200 “College Ready” Accuplacer, THEA, TAKS, etc All you have to do is pass this class. That’s all.

5 Determination of College Readiness Students will be determined to have met the College-Readiness Standard in the area of reading by either of the following methods:  Scoring at or above the Placement Standard for college-level reading, on an approved assessment instrument. (THEA, Accuplacer,TAKS, ACT, or SAT) or  Passing READ 200 with a “C” or better.

6 P Grade Policy:  Students who pass a STC approved TSI placement test during the term may receive a grade of "P" for that course.  A grade of "P" will count as a successful completion of the course, but it will not be included in calculating the current semester GPA.  In order to be awarded a grade of "P," students must provide the instructor with official test scores demonstrating that they have met the passing standard.  Students also have the option of completing the course and receiving a letter grade, which will be included in calculating the current semester GPA.  Students are encouraged to continue attending the class and complete the course in order to be better prepared for college- level courses.

7 THEA vs. Accuplacer  Paper/pencil test  7 long selections with 6 questions each  A total of 42 questions  Tests 6 different reading objectives  Results arrive about 2 weeks after taking the test  Computer test  Very short selections (about 4 sentences each) with very high level questions  A total of 20 questions  Tests 3 major reading objectives  Results are given immediately after taking the test THEA ACCUPLACER

8 What you will need:  A good dictionary  Required textbook  Markers/ red pen  A novel – (to be discussed and announced)  An e-mail account  Computer/ Internet Access  A folder with pockets to be used only for reading class (optional)

9 Required Textbooks Ten Steps to Advanced College Reading Skills, 2 nd ed The Merriam Webster Dictionary

10 Things to Remember (rules) No ringing cellular phones, please No headphones or Bluetooth devices No texting during class (you will receive 1 warning, then if caught texting again, you will be asked to leave and will receive an absence for that class period and a zero for any work/tests occurring during that class time)

11 No Late Work Accepted

12 I will NOT accept late work—don’t even ask No make up tests will be given unless arrangements are made PRIOR to the test date. If you are absent, you are responsible for knowing what is due upon your return. For your benefit, agendas are available on my website and on Blackboard. (please do not ask for this information during class. My contact information is listed on the class syllabus and on my website/blackboard). In order for an absence to considered excused, you must provide a valid doctor’s excuse with a phone number and date. If your excuse is deemed valid, then we can discuss possible ways to make up the work you missed. An email from you about your absence(s) is greatly appreciated, but it does not make your absence excused.

13 If you are absent from class on the day that an assignment is due, have someone drop it off for you, fax it, or e-mail it to me on the day that it is due because NO LATE WORK WILL BE ACCEPTED

14 Anyone with perfect attendance will be excused from the oral presentation required at the end of the semester! (not the final exam)

15 Each student will be given a pass for 1 opportunity to turn in late work. The late work must be turned in at the very next class meeting from which it was due. Remember, you only get one for the whole semester, so use it wisely. This is valid for homework/lab assignments; not valid for tests.

16 MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursday Friday 8-950 200W01 A111 LAB 9am (A106) 200W02 A111 LAB 9am (A106) 80W01 A111 80W02 A111 DEPARTMENT / COMMITTEE MEETINGS 10-1150 200W03 A111 LAB 11am (A106) 200W04 A111 LAB 11am (A106) 80W03 A111 70/80W04 A111 12-150 Office 12-1 Office 12-150 2-350 80W05 A111 LAB 3PM (A106) 80W06 A111 LAB 3PM (A106) 80W05 A111 80W06 A111 3-400 4-500 5-600

17 Journals  All students will be required to keep a journal.  You will be required to turn in your journal through BlackBoard  Journal writing will accompany the reading of a novel.  Points earned from journals will be worth more than any other assignment or test… If you do not keep up with your journal, you will not pass this class.  Instructions for journals will be given before the first set of entries are due.

18 THEA Reading Objectives 1-6 Word Meaning Main Idea /details Author’s Intent Idea Relationships Critical Reading Study Skills

19 THEA Opportunity students earning an “A” average, will have an opportunity to take the THEA in April free of charge

20 Reading 200 grading procedure 775% classwork 225% Final exam ClassworkFINAL Exam



23 1. Bring with you a printout of the class syllabus (available for download on both and on blackboard) 2. Black Board Email assignment Both are due by our next class meeting

24 Email Assignment (due before your next class meeting): Send me a message on BlackBoard, addressing the following: In the first paragraph of your message, explain what you think will be your greatest obstacle for college success. In the second paragraph, explain how you plan to overcome this obstacle and be successful anyway Please remember that you are not sending a text! This is a letter to your college instructor and should be written as such. Spelling should be checked and sentences should be complete. NO LOL or smiley faces. Capitalize all I’s when referring to yourself. Make sure to include your name and section number (the one that includes the W) in the subject line. If this information is not included, you will not receive a grade.

25 Select course information to find syllabus Select Tools to find email Click on login to Blackboard Use your Jagnet username/password

26 Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Don’t let your past dictate who you are; instead let it be a lesson that strengthens the person you will become.

27 Questions or concerns…  Office location: B202G  Phone number: 447-6622  E-mail:  Website:

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