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Contraceptives What are they? Are they very effective? What are the risks? Where do I get them?

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Presentation on theme: "Contraceptives What are they? Are they very effective? What are the risks? Where do I get them?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Contraceptives What are they? Are they very effective? What are the risks? Where do I get them?

2 Contraceptives They may reduce the chance of pregnancy and the transmission of some STD’s but They are not full proof or 100% effective!!!!

3 The various birth control methods differ in effectiveness. Basically, two factors influence the overall effectiveness of a birth control method: (1) method failures and (2) patient failures. Failure Rates for Contraceptives?

4 Method Failure How many of you take vitamins every day? Do you ever miss a dose or forget? The Birth Control Pill vs. Patch and other options

5 Types of Contraceptives Female Birth Control Pills/Patch Spermicidal foam/jelly/sponge Female Condom Diaphragm & Cervical Cap Norplant – injected under skin in your arm Depo-Provera – shot IUD- T shaped device placed in uterine cavity Tubal Legation- surgical sterilization Male Condoms If the female uses a spermicidal contraceptive in correlation with the condom this may help with the effectiveness of preventing pregnancy. Nonoxynol-9 condoms Vasectomy- Surgical sterilization

6 Comparing Pregnancy Prevention and STD Prevention Using Contraceptives Studies show that unmarried adolescents consistently experience higher contraceptive failure rates for pregnancy. Pregnancy can occur if an egg is present, STD risk is possible through not only sexual touch, but with protected intercourse as well. Studies confirm that condoms only reduce the risk but do not totally eliminate pregnancy or STD’s. Contraceptive use is associated with increased numbers of sexually transmitted infections.sexually transmitted infections

7 Life of a sperm Can live in a warm environment for 4-6 days Pre-ejaculatory semen is consistently released from the penis when it is in am erect state. Ejaculatory semen is the burst of semen which happens when a male is consistently stimulated and reaches orgasm.

8 Patient Failure Condoms are the most commonly used method of contraceptive use and the birth control comes in second. Condoms have an high and consistent failure rate in teens due to misuse or incorrect use. The Pill needs to be taken daily, if a dose is missed or forgotten then its effectiveness goes way down. It can also become ineffective when taking it with other medications.

9 Young Women Are More Susceptible to Sexually Transmitted Organisms That Cause STD’s 4. Have a higher rate of sexual partners as adults due to early adolescent sexual experimentation. 5. Are less effective condom users. 6. May be less compliant with antibiotic therapy. 7. Delay seeking medical care due to their hidden lifestyles to their parents. 1. Have more exposed columnar cells in the cervix. These are more easily infected by several STDs. 2. Are more likely to engage in risky behavior. 3. Take in the bodily fluids which exposes them to higher infection rates. ADOLESCENT FEMALES

10 100% Way to Prevent Pregnancy & STD’s Do not become sexually active involving sexual touch or intercourse. If you are going to be sexually active and want to prevent STD/STI infection transmission, go in as a couple and get tested for STI’s together, prior to any sexual touch.

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