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EU-StORe- Creating European Standards for Open Education and Open Learning Resources (2014-1-RO01-KA202-002985) The EU-StORE-Project – short presentation.

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Presentation on theme: "EU-StORe- Creating European Standards for Open Education and Open Learning Resources (2014-1-RO01-KA202-002985) The EU-StORE-Project – short presentation."— Presentation transcript:

1 EU-StORe- Creating European Standards for Open Education and Open Learning Resources (2014-1-RO01-KA202-002985) The EU-StORE-Project – short presentation EU-StORE: Evaluation and Standard Implementation Meeting September 8th - 10th 2015 Valletta, Malta prof. PhD Carmen Sonia Duse prof. PhD Dan Maniu Duse Meeting in Valletta

2 Overview of national OER integrated in the EU-StORe database – part 1

3 Overview of national OER integrated in the EU-StORe database – part 2 Small cutout of the rated OERLinkSaved as... Mathematic for the IInd class a/adunarea-cu-trecere-peste-ordin-a-numerelor-formate- din-zeci-si-unitati.html video English grammar course Guide for methodical instructions guidlines in public libraries ghidul-activitatilor-de-indrumare-metodica pdf Exercise sheets 09/233022-cfcd208495d565ef66e7dff9f987 pdf Collaboration in digital class plant and animal biology

4 Chances and challenges concerning the use of the database Chances Quality assurance is a crucial issue that should be tackled to further develop the use of Open Educational Resources (OER) for learning. A step for the next design of OER Useful for the users/learners in order to choose different study programs Increasing the safety of different materials using with OER quality standards we are moving from a first phase of ‘opening up access and availability’ to another phase where the focus will be on ‘improving learning quality’ through OER Challenges and improvements how to reduce the necesary time for assessing the differences between pedagogists (teachers, professors) and other OER developer who can reject the proposed model the maturity/level of knowledge of the OER user

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