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Can children recover from the effects of privation? LO: To consider whether the effects of institutionalisation and privation are temporary or permanent.

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Presentation on theme: "Can children recover from the effects of privation? LO: To consider whether the effects of institutionalisation and privation are temporary or permanent."— Presentation transcript:

1 Can children recover from the effects of privation? LO: To consider whether the effects of institutionalisation and privation are temporary or permanent

2 Tracy Beaker How did she finally come to bond with her foster-mother, Cam?

3 Starter: Jackanory Time! Are any of Tracy’s behaviours typically disinhibited? Can you think of any particular reasons for her ‘bold’ behaviours?

4 Factors affecting recovery from institutionalisation and privation Make detailed notes on the following using NT pages 72 – 73 to help you 1. Quality of care at the institution 2. The age of the child when removed from institutionalisation or privation 3. The quality of care after privation/institutionalisation 4. Follow-on experiences in later life

5 Plenary – plan an answer to this question Outline and evaluate the effects of institutionalisation on children (12 marks) Use the worksheet to help you!

6 Check your understanding of the unit 1. List four characteristics seen in an ‘attached infant’ 2. Define the term privation 3. What was Harlow & Harlow’s main finding? 4. List steps in the Strange Situation 5. What are Ainsworth’s 3 types of attachment 6. Define monotropy 7. In which country have most Strange situations been carried out? 8. What are the 3 most important elements of Bowlby’s MDH hypothesis? 9. What does the term imprinting mean?

7 Homework – Due next Monday From your own reading of this unit and using your notes/textbook, select: One study of the development of attachments One study of the effects of privation One study of the effects of institutionalisation For each, complete a table using the following headings: Topic, Aim, Procedure, Main Findings, Main Conclusions, Evaluation Points

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