CS-1030 Dr. Mark L. Hornick 1 CS-1030 – Software Design 2 Dr. Mark L. Hornick web: people.msoe.edu/~hornick webCT: webct.msoe.edu.

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1 CS-1030 Dr. Mark L. Hornick 1 CS-1030 – Software Design 2 Dr. Mark L. Hornick email: hornick@msoe.edu web: people.msoe.edu/~hornick webCT: webct.msoe.edu Office: CC-30 Phone: 277-2417

2 CS-1030 Dr. Mark L. Hornick 2 Schedule Ti me MonTueWedThuFri 8:0 0 CS 1020 CC 48 CS 1030 CC 48 CS 1020 CC 48 9:0 0 CS 1030 CC 48 10: 00 Office Hour Faculty Senate 11: 00 Office Hour 12: 00 SE Program Meetings Office Hour CS 280 CC 48 1:0 0 EECS Dept. Meetings CS 280 CC 48 2:0 0 3:0 0

3 CS-1030 Dr. Mark L. Hornick 3 Course Description Introduction to the C++ programming language and concepts Builds upon the knowledge gained in the Java programming languages in the CS1010 and CS1020 courses Continues the study of software development using an object- oriented approach using the C++ programming language C++ coverage includes Pointers Dynamic memory management The Standard Template Library Ongoing comparison between Java and C++ programming languages

4 CS-1030 Dr. Mark L. Hornick 4 Course Objectives Design and implement C++ functions. Use existing C++ libraries effectively. Use the Standard Template Library (STL) vector and list classes effectively. Manage memory dynamically. Apply pointers and references appropriately. Apply composition, inheritance, and polymorphism appropriately. Design and implement C++ classes and class libraries. Design and implement overloaded operators. Describe differences between the C++ and Java programming languages.

5 CS-1030 Dr. Mark L. Hornick 5 Textbooks Officially: None Instead: Download the free electronic copies of Thinking in C++, 2nd edition, Volume 1 and Volume 2 by Bruce Eckel and Chuck Allison. Link to url on cs1030 website You can also purchase paper copies of these books from Eckel's website Reading assignments will be assigned from this material

6 CS-1030 Dr. Mark L. Hornick 6 Grading CriterionWeight Labs55% Quizzes10% Midterm Exam15% Final Exam20%

7 CS-1030 Dr. Mark L. Hornick 7 Grading The grading formula applies only to those students who have successfully met the objectives of this course. There is a 5% per business day (1 weekend = 1 day) late penalty for all written work. No more than 25% will ever be deducted, but any work more than 5 days late will receive a 0 grade. You must ultimately complete all work in order to pass the course. You are encouraged to discuss homework and programming assignments with your fellow students, however, each of you is responsible for doing and turning in your own work.

8 CS-1030 Dr. Mark L. Hornick 8 Grading Labs are generally due 11pm the day prior to the following lab. Specific info will be posted on the website Quizzes (~1 per week) will generally be given at the beginning of the labs

9 CS-1030 Dr. Mark L. Hornick 9 Grading Labs constitute a significant part (55%) of your grade. Expect to spend additional time outside of the lab session working on your programs

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