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CS 331 / CMPE 334 – Intro to AI CS 531 / CMPE 531 - AI Course Outline.

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Presentation on theme: "CS 331 / CMPE 334 – Intro to AI CS 531 / CMPE 531 - AI Course Outline."— Presentation transcript:

1 CS 331 / CMPE 334 – Intro to AI CS 531 / CMPE 531 - AI Course Outline

2 CS/CMPE 531 - Artificial Intelligence(Au 2007-2008) - Asim Karim @ LUMS2 Description This course covers the foundations of artificial intelligence (AI) and intelligent systems.  first course in the stream  provides grounding in knowledge representation, reasoning, search, machine learning, and intelligent system design  covers basic complex problem solving techniques in search, logic, and learning  introduces AI languages such as Lisp and Prolog A lecture, tutorial, and assignment intensive course  graduate students will be given additional reading material and assignment questions

3 CS/CMPE 531 - Artificial Intelligence(Au 2007-2008) - Asim Karim @ LUMS3 Goals Present a survey of the various concepts and techniques in AI Provide understanding of complex problem solving through logic, search, and learning Introduce intelligent system design and AI programming languages Develop research interest in the theory and application of AI

4 CS/CMPE 531 - Artificial Intelligence(Au 2007-2008) - Asim Karim @ LUMS4 Before Taking This Course… Pre-requisites  CS 213 – Data Structures and Algorithms AND  Junior standing  NOT recommended to 2010 batch Familiarity  Probability  Programming These requirements apply equally to both grads and under-grads

5 CS/CMPE 531 - Artificial Intelligence(Au 2007-2008) - Asim Karim @ LUMS5 Grading Point distribution Quizzes (about 6)10% Assignments (hand + computer + lab)15% Project10% Midterm exam30% Final exam35%

6 CS/CMPE 531 - Artificial Intelligence(Au 2007-2008) - Asim Karim @ LUMS6 Policies (1) Quizzes  Quizzes may or may not be announced. If a quiz is announced it will be done 1 to 2 days in advance Sharing  No copying is allowed for labs/assignments. Discussions are encouraged; however, you must submit your own work  Violators can face mark reduction and/or reported to Disciplinary Committee for action Plagiarism  Do NOT pass someone else’s work as yours! Write in your words and cite the reference. This applies to code as well.  Violators can face mark reduction and/or reported to Disciplinary Committee for action

7 CS/CMPE 531 - Artificial Intelligence(Au 2007-2008) - Asim Karim @ LUMS7 Policies (2) Submission policy  Submissions are due at the day and time specified  Late penalties: 1 day = 10%; 2 day late = 20%; not accepted after 2 days  An extension will be granted only if there is a need and when requested several days in advance. Rechecking policy  For quizzes and labs/assignments: No recheck request will be entertained after 2 days of return  For exams: No recheck request will be entertained after return (requests should be made at the time of collection)

8 CS/CMPE 531 - Artificial Intelligence(Au 2007-2008) - Asim Karim @ LUMS8 Project Under-grads: Term paper on a (current) topic of interest Grads: A research project involving implementation Detailed policies will be provided soon

9 CS/CMPE 531 - Artificial Intelligence(Au 2007-2008) - Asim Karim @ LUMS9 Summarized Course Contents Introduction and intelligent agents Blind search Heuristic search Adversarial search Constraint satisfaction problem Logic and inference Uncertainty and inference Concept learning Intro to natural language processing AI languages and systems

10 CS/CMPE 531 - Artificial Intelligence(Au 2007-2008) - Asim Karim @ LUMS10 Course Material Required textbook  Artificial Intelligence – A Modern Approach, by Russell and Norvig, 2 nd Edition, Prentice Hall, 2003. Supplementary material  Artificial Intelligence: Structures and Concepts for Complex Problem Solving, by G. Luger, 4 th Edition, Pearson Education, 2002.  Machine Learning, by T. Mitchell, McGraw-Hill, 1997.  Handouts (as and when necessary) Other resources  Books in library  Web

11 CS/CMPE 531 - Artificial Intelligence(Au 2007-2008) - Asim Karim @ LUMS11 Course Web Site For announcements, lecture slides, handouts, assignments, quiz solutions, web resources: The resource page has links to information available on the Web. It is basically a meta-list for finding further information.

12 CS/CMPE 531 - Artificial Intelligence(Au 2007-2008) - Asim Karim @ LUMS12 Other Stuff How to contact me?  Office hours: 10.30 to 12.30 MW (office: 429)  E-mail:  By appointment Philosophy  Knowledge cannot be taught; it is learned.  Be excited. That is the best way to learn. I cannot teach everything in class. Develop a inquisitive mind, ask questions, and go beyond what is required.  I don’t believe in strict grading. But… there has to be a way of rewarding performance.

13 CS/CMPE 531 - Artificial Intelligence(Au 2007-2008) - Asim Karim @ LUMS13 Reference Books in LUMS Library There are many related books in LUMS library. You can find them by searching or browsing around call numbers 006.3.

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