EMPIRES! SS6H6b Trace the empires of Portugal, Spain, England, and France in Asia, Africa, and the Americas.

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Presentation on theme: "EMPIRES! SS6H6b Trace the empires of Portugal, Spain, England, and France in Asia, Africa, and the Americas."— Presentation transcript:

1 EMPIRES! SS6H6b Trace the empires of Portugal, Spain, England, and France in Asia, Africa, and the Americas.

2 4 Reasons for Empires 15th century (1400s) major trade routes and goods from Asia to Europe went through 2 major Italian cities – Venice & Genoa. These cities marked up prices and sold goods to the rest of Europe. Portugal, Spain, France, & Great Britain were jealous. Since Italy controlled the Mediterranean Sea, they looked for another route to Asia.

3 Portuguese Empire

4 Portuguese Empire Earliest modern European empire Lasted for centuries
Started with Prince Henry the Navigator He sent explorers to find routes to Asia around Africa Dias discovered Cape of Good Hope da Gama sailed to India Most profitable colony was Brazil

5 Spanish Empire

6 Spanish Empire Hoped to find route to Asia across Atlantic Ocean
Sent Christopher Columbus who “discovered” Americas One of largest empires in history Conquered Inca and Aztec civilizations Claimed large areas of N. & S. America – ruled for 300 years Empire stretched to Asia – controlled Philippines

7 British Empire

8 British Empire Largest empire in history
Controlled Canada, Australia, most of E. Africa, & many islands Controlled North America until 1776 U.S. became independent Canada did not By 1920s ¼ of world’s people were under British control After WWII most of Britain’s territories/colonies became independent Great Britain = England, Scotland, & Wales

9 French Empire

10 French Empire 1600s-1900s – 2nd largest empire in the world
During Napoleon I’s reign, controlled most of Europe Controlled most of Germany, Spain, Italy, islands in the Caribbean Sea, Indian Ocean, Pacific, and North Atlantic, parts of Canada, South America, SE Asia, & NW Africa

11 U.K. Colonizes Australia
1st Europeans to Australia 1606 – sailed from Europe along w. African coast to Cape of Good Hope, then east across Indian Ocean. 1770: Capt. James Cook (British) sailed ship Endeavor & claimed east Australian coast – called it “New South Wales” 1788 – Britain colonized Australia because U.S. became independent (before – British sent prisoners to Georgia – now sent them to Australia)

12 4 Reasons British Colonized Australia
Relieve overcrowding of British jails Wanted its navy stationed in southern hemisphere Wanted economic base to expand trade Did not want rivals (especially French) to colonize Australia

13 CRCT Test Prep pp Read and answer questions.

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