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History - How do we know about it?. So we get evidence From artefacts – objects that were used at the time From pictures, paintings From treaties, laws.

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Presentation on theme: "History - How do we know about it?. So we get evidence From artefacts – objects that were used at the time From pictures, paintings From treaties, laws."— Presentation transcript:

1 History - How do we know about it?


3 So we get evidence From artefacts – objects that were used at the time From pictures, paintings From treaties, laws and other written material, like diaries From books written later From oral records – more use in later history once ways to record sound was invented

4 What kind of evidence? We call it primary evidence if it an artefact or picture or something from the time itself It is secondary evidence if it was produced later But we always have to be aware that opinion can creep in And so can bias!

5 Opinion and bias are not necessarily bad provided you know to look out for it it can tell you a lot more about the person and the society they live in than the words by themselves and always remember the saying –“History was written by the victors”!

6 What did this tell us? “Newcastle were so lucky on Saturday. The superb and skilful Man United players were beaten by the lucky, cheating Newcastle players. The referee needed glasses. He allowed five goals that were all offside. I have never seen so much luck and cheating.”

7 Henry hoped Becket would be able to control the church courts. He got a shock! However, Becket soon began excommunicating all Henry’s supporters! Four knights heard this, and decided to carry out the King’s wishes. On 29th December 1170, four knights burst into Canterbury Cathedral. They demanded Becket take back the excommunications. Becket calmly refused. The knights tried to drag Becket from the Cathedral. Becket could not be moved. They cut and killed him with repeated sword blows. Henry flew into a rage shouting, ‘Who will rid me of this troublesome priest?’

8 What do you think would be good area to look at? What and when were the earliest weapons? How do we know about them? How were castles defended? All about gunpowder and the weapons and the problems with making them work? How were castles attacked? What were the advantages and disadvantages of a Motte and Bailey castle? What about the Greeks at war? What about the Romans at war? Warfare & Weapons

9 The Lakota What can you remember? Winter count Make sure you know about their houses, clothes, food and artefacts. Also about their society (how they lived) including how the children were brought up, hierarchy (who was important and who was not), marriage etc. Also what they believed in and how they believed the earth and all things on it should be treated

10 The Tlingit What can you remember? Make sure you know about their houses, clothes, food and artefacts. Also about their society (how they lived) including how the children were brought up, hierarchy (who was important and who was not), marriage etc. Also what they believed in and how they believed the earth and all things on it should be treated

11 The battles of the Plains before Little Bighorn? What can you remember? What did Colonel Chivington and 800 men do on Nov 29, 1864? Gold was found in the Rocky mountains Who were camping at Sand Creek? Who said "Kill and scalp all, big and little; nits make lice." The Fetterman Massacre of 1866 Colonel Fetterman boasted that, given "80 men," he "would ride through the Sioux nation." So what happened?

12 The Battle of Little Bighorn? What happened? June 1876 General Philip Sheridan was sent to make the Lakota should be sent back to their reservation The Plan: Gibbon was to march up the Little Bighorn river. Lt Colonel George Custer was to march round the Wolf mountains, as part of a two-pronged attack on the Sioux camp The Fort Laramie Treaty 1851 promised what? But in 1875 the Gold miners arrive where? What did Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse think about that? What did they do? What happened then?

13 How do we know about the civilization in the Indus Valley about 2000BC? What do we know about them? What was it like? How do we know? What kind of thing did they make? Who did they sell it to? What did they eat?

14 What do we know about the work of archaeologists? What methods do they use to find out about things? PS Do look at the last PowerPoint about the loo in Canterbury – it will help! Remember words like excavate, a dig, aerial photograph, triangulation, stratum, the different kinds of archaeologists, e.g. environmental archaeologists

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