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Welcome to Social 10!. A Few Guidelines  Attendance  Key Parent Email Address – be sure it’s working and remind them to check emails daily  My Stuff/locker.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Social 10!. A Few Guidelines  Attendance  Key Parent Email Address – be sure it’s working and remind them to check emails daily  My Stuff/locker."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Social 10!

2 A Few Guidelines  Attendance  Key Parent Email Address – be sure it’s working and remind them to check emails daily  My Stuff/locker -  Email guidelines – please use proper etiquette  Assignment folder – correctly label assignments (with name) and submit to the correct folder  Create word or ppt documents. Do NOT create wsp files. No Microsoft Word?  Download –   Due Dates – ask for extensions if you need them. You are welcome to work ahead, just watch previous year’s tutorial recordings.  Unit Exams – have your key parent email to request the password  Home Page Announcements – updated weekly  Final Exams - onsite  Share one interesting fact about yourself

3 What is Globalization? Globalization has many definitions, but one might regard it as the following: The process that is making the world’s citizens increasingly interdependent economically, socially, politically, environmentally, and technologically.

4 History of Globalization Globalization is an historical process that began with the first movement of people out of Africa into other parts of the world. Traveling short, then longer distances, migrants, merchants, and others have always taken their ideas, customs, and products into new lands. The melding, borrowing, and adaptation of outside influences can be found in many areas of human life.

5 Society and Globalization  Few societies around the world have gone untouched by the myriad influences of globalization. And while global integration creates many new opportunities for individuals and societies as a whole, it also poses new challenges.

6 Issue #1 – To what extent should globalization shape identity? Explore the following video....  Shift Happens Globalization in the information age  363A2Q 363A2Q

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