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Sixth Grade Math Mrs. Rickerts. Homework/Classwork x 1 Practice Self Correcting Teamwork Tickets out the Door Quizzes x 2 Every Friday Short Assessments.

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Presentation on theme: "Sixth Grade Math Mrs. Rickerts. Homework/Classwork x 1 Practice Self Correcting Teamwork Tickets out the Door Quizzes x 2 Every Friday Short Assessments."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sixth Grade Math Mrs. Rickerts

2 Homework/Classwork x 1 Practice Self Correcting Teamwork Tickets out the Door Quizzes x 2 Every Friday Short Assessments (5-10 Questions)

3 Projects, Tests, Tasks x 3 Unit Tests cover many concepts Incorporate higher level thinking skills Projects -once a quarter Common Core Performance Tasks

4 Teachers use grades: To assess current levels of mastery Predict future performance Alert parents to possible problems with habits Students should: Analyze each grade to find areas of strengths and weaknesses Make corrections on TESTS Must include code, explanation of error, explanation of proper process and how to prevent error in the future.

5 A report card grade of C represents: Average work; Some Mastery; Prediction of a Level III A report card grade of B represents: Above average work; Mastery; Prediction of a Level III or IV A report card grade of A represents: Above and Beyond work; Mastery and Application; Prediction of a Level IV A report card grade of D represents: Deficiency in concepts; Prediction of a Level II or III A report card grade of F represents: FAILURE TO TRY.

6 Calculators not emphasized in math class, although calculator skills will be taught. PROCESS is as important as ANSWER. Students should ALWAYS show their work. Homework should never take more than 30 minutes. Homework should be able to be completed independently. Homework should be written in planner

7 Parent Conferences typically held at 1:30 on Monday or Friday and include parents, student and core teachers. Contact AA teacher to set up conference Focus on academic achievement and PRIDE

8 Graded work Remains in Classroom Contains valuable artifacts Grade Audit

9 Late Work Accepted during first semester with penalty of 10 points per day late. Silent Lunch for no work Sign No HW notebook Absences Do not typically send work ahead of time for planned absences Students should check absent crate for missed work Student should check board to compare with scribe's notes.

10 Wednesday mornings at 8 AM Must arrive by 8:10 Will cover current concepts Anyone can attend If dropped off before 8, will need a note Tuesday and Thursday Mornings at 8 Must make prior arrangements with Mrs. Rickerts Mrs. Rickerts will write a pass as confirmation Remediation as needed

11 Log in at : You can find additional information on the NWMS homepage link. You will need your child’s student ID number. *If you are having difficulty registering, click NO for secure content.

12 Following Common Core Standards Faster Paced Higher Level Thinking and Real Life Application Spiral Skills through warm ups and quizzes and concept practice Use Composition Notebook to study Textbooks to be used as resource at home Planning as cohesive sixth grade math team Accommodations for individuals as needed

13 Email for fastest response: Find out homework information at: NWMS Website:




17 Monday 10/15 Future’s so bright, we must wear shades Wear sunglasses as a reminder to set short & long term goals Tuesday 10/16 Run towards your goal Wear your running gear and plot your course for the future Wednesday 10/17 College Rocks!! Wear your favorite college team attire as you consider educational choices after high school Thursday 10/18 I spy Dress as your future career or Dress to represent your hobby or talents Friday 10/19 ‘Jammin’ for United Way Give a dollar and wear a hat that represents your school, team or hobby or/and Give a Dollar to wear your comfy PJ Pants

18 Newcomers’ School in Greensboro Warm Clothing Drive in Fall New or Gently Used Coats Gloves, Scarves, Hats Boots, Closed Toed Shoes, Tennis Shoes Hoodies Pen Pals Spring Time Activity, TBD

19 Dry Erase Markers Individually Wrapped “Motivation”, aka candy Auction Items

20 Thank you for coming tonight! Please feel free to email me with any additional questions.

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