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6-2 Forest Biomes Page 146. A. Tropical Rain Forests 1. Humid and warm and get about 200 to 450 cm of rain a year.

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Presentation on theme: "6-2 Forest Biomes Page 146. A. Tropical Rain Forests 1. Humid and warm and get about 200 to 450 cm of rain a year."— Presentation transcript:

1 6-2 Forest Biomes Page 146

2 A. Tropical Rain Forests 1. Humid and warm and get about 200 to 450 cm of rain a year.

3 A. Tropical Rain Forests 2. Located near the equator of the earth.

4 A. Tropical Rain Forests 3. Receive strong sunlight and temperatures are constant.

5 A. Tropical Rain Forests 4. Plants live in different layers in the rain forest.

6 A. Tropical Rain Forests 5. The top layer is the emergent layer made up of the tallest trees (60-70 meters).

7 A. Tropical Rain Forests 6. The canopy contains a dense layer of trees that grow up to 30 meters and absorb most of the sunlight.

8 A. Tropical Rain Forests 7. The understory is below the canopy and receives very little light. Plants adapted to shade (ex: shrubs) grow there.

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10 B. Temperate Rain Forests 1. Occur in North America, Australia and New Zealand.

11 B. Temperate Rain Forests 2. A lot of precipitation, high humidity and moderate temperatures.

12 B. Temperate Rain Forests 3. Rainfall and ocean breezes keep temperatures cool.

13 B. Temperate Rain Forests 4. Trees have long growing seasons and plenty of water.

14 C. Temperate Deciduous Forests 1. Trees in this forest drop their leaves every fall.

15 C. Temperate Deciduous Forests 2. Located between 30 and 50 degrees north latitudes.

16 C. Temperate Deciduous Forests 3. Temperatures change with the seasons.

17 C. Temperate Deciduous Forests 4. Plants must adapt to the changing seasons.

18 D. Taiga 1. northern coniferous forest that stretches in a broad band below the arctic circle.

19 D. Taiga 2. Conifer trees are well-adapted to this biome.

20 D. Taiga 3. Birds migrate away from the taiga during winter.

21 D. Taiga 4. The fur of the snowshoe hare changes from winter to summer.

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