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OCR Nationals – Level 02 Website Design and Creation.

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1 OCR Nationals – Level 02 Website Design and Creation

2 1 Assignment 2 LO7 Explanation of quality (P) Success of content (P) Success of layout (P) Does it link well (P) Do the multimedia (P)components work (P) Does the form look good (P) Does the content suit the target audience (M) Is the layout consistent (M) Is it professional (D) What could I improve (D) How would this help (D) LO7 – Evaluating the effectiveness of the Website You need to complete the following tasks in order to help SWS Events create a better improved version of their website. SWS Events have asked you to design a multimedia website for SWS Events. SWS Events is a new national company that has been asked to co-ordinate household recycling for the whole country. SWS Events is working with local businesses to provide corporate days out in the country.  SWS Events would like to review and evaluate the website in order to improve its effectiveness. They would like to know the strengths and weaknesses of the site as well as what worked well and what could be made better for the next time.  They would like an unbiased review of how well it works and if it meets the needs of the target audience.

3 1 Assignment 2 LO7 Explanation of quality (P) Success of content (P) Success of layout (P) Does it link well (P) Do the multimedia (P)components work (P) Does the form look good (P) Does the content suit the target audience (M) Is the layout consistent (M) Is it professional (D) What could I improve (D) How would this help (D) LO7 – Evaluating the effectiveness of the Website You need to complete the following tasks in order to help SWS Events create a better improved version of their website. Assignment Tasks (P, M, D) To achieve a Pass grade: Candidates will review their website features including what worked well and did not. Examples of Strengths and Weaknesses are made. To achieve a Merit grade: Candidates will evaluate the features of their website and explain the good and bad features of the production. A range of strengths and weaknesses are highlighted, suggested improvements are made. To achieve a Distinction grade: Candidates will critically evaluate the features of their website and explain the good and bad features of the production. A wide range of strengths and weaknesses are discussed, suggested improvements are made. 1

4 1 Assignment 2 LO7 Explanation of quality (P) Success of content (P) Success of layout (P) Does it link well (P) Do the multimedia (P)components work (P) Does the form look good (P) Does the content suit the target audience (M) Is the layout consistent (M) Is it professional (D) What could I improve (D) How would this help (D) LO7 – Evaluating the effectiveness of the Website You need to complete the following tasks in order to help SWS Events create a better improved version of their website. Task 1 (P, M, D) Now the website is complete the company wants you to evaluate your website so you can do better next time. They want you to make judgements on the quality and whether it is good enough to be used for the functions it was designed for. They want you to highlight imperfections, you may need to allow someone to point these out to you. 1Evaluate your website based on quality, layout, readability and usability. 1 Evaluate your website based on quality, layout, readability, accessibility and usability. 1 Critically evaluate your website based on quality, layout, readability, accessibility and usability.

5 1 Assignment 2 LO7 LO7 – Evaluating the effectiveness of the Website You need to complete the following tasks in order to help SWS Events create a better improved version of their website. Task 2 (P, M, D) In order to make the website better the next time, the company also wants you to highlight your strengths and weaknesses in making the website. This should be done for the individual stages, planning, sourcing, making and testing. You should be as critical as you can be. For Merit and Distinction they also want you to highlight the improvements that could be made to the production of the website, this should be about the way it looks, accessibility, ease of use, and overall content. For Distinction you should highlight how these improvements if they were carried out would benefit the website. 2 Give Examples of Strengths and Weaknesses. 2 Highlight a range of Examples of Strengths and Weaknesses and make suggested improvements to the website. 2 Highlight a range of Examples of Strengths and Weaknesses and make suggested improvements to the website. Indicate how these improvements would benefit the Website. Explanation of quality (P) Success of content (P) Success of layout (P) Does it link well (P) Do the multimedia (P)components work (P) Does the form look good (P) Does the content suit the target audience (M) Is the layout consistent (M) Is it professional (D) What could I improve (D) How would this help (D)

6 1 Assignment 2 LO7 TaskActivitiesStudentStaff LO7 - Evaluate own website 1(P) Evaluate your website based on quality, layout, readability and usability. 1(M) Evaluate your website based on quality, layout, readability, accessibility and usability. 1(D) Critically evaluate your website based on quality, layout, readability, accessibility and usability. 2(P) Give Examples of Strengths and Weaknesses. 2(M) Highlight a range of Examples of Strengths and Weaknesses and make suggested improvements to the website. 2(D) Highlight a range of Examples of Strengths and Weaknesses and make suggested improvements to the website. Indicate how these improvements would benefit the Website.

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