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PERSONALITY An individual’s unique pattern of characteristics.

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Presentation on theme: "PERSONALITY An individual’s unique pattern of characteristics."— Presentation transcript:

1 PERSONALITY An individual’s unique pattern of characteristics.

2 INFLUENCES Heredity: helps determine intellectual abilities, temperament, and talents Environment: everything that is around you; where you live, the people around you, etc. Attitudes: feeling or emotion a person has toward something Behaviors: what you do

3 PERSONALITY TYPE There are four dimensions to personality type. 1.How you focus energy: extroverted-energized by people and things; introverted-energized by ideas and images

4 2. How you gather information: sensing-trust tangible information that you gather from your senses; intuitive-give more weight to information from your insight and imagination

5 3. How you make decisions: thinking- you base your decisions on objective principles and facts; feeling-you trust your gut and weigh decisions against people issues and concerns

6 4. How you get work done: judging- your approach to doing things is structured and organized; perceiving-your approach to doing things is flexible, you adapt as you do things and prefer open-ended deadlines

7 ADDICTION A compelling desire to use a drug or engage in a specific behavior, continued use despite negative consequences, and a loss of contol.

8 Affect on health status Harm physical health Jeopardize safety Harm relationships Cause problems with the law Jeopardize financial health

9 Characteristics for teens at risk Depression or a negative self-image Genetic vulnerability Feelings of guilt or shame Traumatic childhoods Feelings of tension, anxiety, boredom or loneliness

10 Difficulty expressing feelings Trouble managing anger Trouble accepting repsonsibility for their actions A constant need for approval A need to control others Poor coping skills

11 Difficulty with authority figures Difficulty delaying gratification Personal problems that they deny

12 TYPES OF ADDICTIONS Drugs: including alcohol, prescription drugs, illegal drugs, nicotine Exercise Gambling

13 Perfectionism Relationships Shopping Television, computer, phones Thrill-seeking Work

14 WHAT TO DO ABOUT ADDICITONS Stay informed Be aware of characteristics of at risk possibilities Recognize the addiction Get help –Formal intervention: an action by people who want a person to get treatment; confront addict with what they see and feel

15 SIGNS OF ADDICTION A compelling desire to take a drug or engage in a behavior Taking a drug or engaging in behavior instead of dealing with feelings of anxiety, depression, boredom, or loneliness

16 Feeling bad about oneself after using or engaging Using or engaging even when there are negative consequences Trying to stop but unable to do so

17 CODEPENDENCE A problem in which a person neglects self to care for, control, or try to “fix” someone else Enabler: a person who supports the harmful behavior of others

18 CHARACTERISTICS OF CODEPENDENTS Deny their feelings Focus on fixing other people’s problems Try to control other people Feel responsible for what other people say or do Seek approval of others

19 Have difficulty having fun Have difficulty allowing others to care for them Try to protect others from the harmful consequences of their behavior

20 Do not meet their own needs Avoid living their own lives by concentrating on other people

21 MENTAL DISORDERS A behavioral or psychological syndrome or pattern that occurs in an individual and that is associated with distress or disability or with a significantly increased risk of suffering, death, pain, disability, or an important loss of freedom

22 Causes –Biological can be caused by genes, physical injuries, and illnesses that affect brain –Psychological influences include stress, traumatic experiences, and poor coping skills

23 CATEGORIES OF MENTAL DISORDERS Anxiety disorders: real or imagined threat prevent a person from enjoying life –General Anxiety Disorder (GAD)-a chronic or long-lasting state of anxiety, fear and tenseness; feel anxious most of the time; symptoms include fatigue, headaches,

24 muscle tension, muscle aches, difficulty swallowing, trembling, irritability, sweating, increased heart rate, hot flashes

25 –Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)-persistent, unwelcome thoughts or images and engages in certain rituals –Panic disorder-feelings of terror strike suddenly and repeatedly with no warning

26 –Specific phobia: a disorder in which there is excessive fear of certain objects, situations, or people that pose little or no actual danger; the fear is real though not realistic

27 Cognitive disorder: the brain deteriorates in function –Dementia: affects memory, language and reasoning; progresses from mild to severe and is fatal

28 Conduct disorder: a person regularly violates the rights of others and breaks social rules –Bullying, fighting, cruelty to animals

29 Eating disorders –A person has a compelling need to starve, to binge, or to binge and purge Anorexia nervosa-person starves their body and weighs 15% or more below the healthful weight for their body type; extreme exercise, laxatives, vomiting are means of weight control

30 Bulimia-person binges (consume large quantities of food quickly), and then forces themselves to vomit, take laxatives or diuretics

31 –Mood disorders: extreme moods Clinical depression-long lasting feelings of hopelessness, sadness, or helplessness; diagnosis occurs when there has not been a recent trauma and they still experience 5 of 9 general symptoms-deep sadness, apathy, fatigue, agitation, sleep disturbance, weight or appetite changes, lack of concentration, feeling of worthlessness, morbid thoughts

32 –Bipolar disorder: moods vary from extreme happiness to extreme depression –Seasonal affective disorder (SAD)-type of depression that usually occurs during reduced exposure to sunlight

33 Personality disorders: pattern of thinking, feeling, and acting interfere with daily living –Antisocial personality disorder: patterns of behavior are in conflict with society –Borderline personality disorder (BPD) sudden changes in mood, relationships, and behaviors

34 Schizophrenia: a breakdown in logical thought processes resulting in unusual behavior; hallucinations, delusions, and a distorted perception of reality are symptoms; not curable but treated with medication

35 Somatoform disorders: a person has symptoms of disease by no physical cause can be found –Hypochondria-constantly worried about illness

36 TREATMENT FOR MENTAL DISORDERS AND ADDICTION Formal intervention Evaluation-physical exam and psychological/psychiatric evaluation Medication Inpatient and outpatient treatment Therapy Support groups

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