Media Journal During the composition filming assignment which technique did you find the most difficult to apply?

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Presentation on theme: "Media Journal During the composition filming assignment which technique did you find the most difficult to apply?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Media Journal During the composition filming assignment which technique did you find the most difficult to apply?

2 Camera Shots Broadcast and Video Production I

3 Wide Shots  Lens is at its widest focal length. Show the entire area whether indoors or outdoors.  Used to establish the scene location with the viewer. Because of this, it is sometimes called an establishing shot.  It can also be used to cover a broad range of action and show the relationships between the subjects in the scene.  Should be used occasionally during recordings to re- establish the location of the scene in the viewer’s mind.  Should not be held on the screen for more than 3 or 4 seconds.

4 Wide Shot-Establishing Shot

5 Medium Shots  Show a portion of the background but, the image size should be large enough to keep the focus of attention on the action.  Sometimes called medium close-ups, waist shots, or bust shots.  Provide ample coverage of a scene and hold more of the viewer’s interest than the wide shot.  Good for showing two people standing and talking, a person getting ready to demonstrate something, or a person leaving through a doorway.  It provides a location and yet is close enough to show the viewer there is some action of interest.

6 Medium Shot

7 Close-up Shots  Details of a scene are magnified.  Allows the videographer to move in close and bring the emotions and reactions to the screen. Ex. Someone’s tears.  Be careful because close-ups can create undesirable impressions of an object or person. An object can look bigger than it actually is or an individual can become overpowering or overbearing.  Close-ups also greatly exaggerate the movements of a subject and this can make the picture shaky and hard to follow.  Close-ups have very little depth of field so clear focusing is critical.

8 Close-Up

9 Extreme Close-ups  Is used to provide detail for visual impact.  Ex. A person’s eye, the dial on a watch face, or a hand turning a doorknob.

10 Extreme Close-Up

11 Bust Shot

12 Knee Shot

13 Long Shot

14 Two-Shot

15 Three-Shot

16 Over-the-Shoulder Shot

17 Cross-Shot

18 Tilted Horizon-Shot

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