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Research Paper Format (In Cornell Note Format)

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1 Research Paper Format (In Cornell Note Format)

2 Experimental Process Introduction: What is the problem?
Materials and Methods/Procedure: How did I solve the problem? Results: What did I find out? Discussion/Conclusion: What did it mean? References: Where did I get my information?

3 Introduction Broad statements giving background information
Set the stage for the experiment Why is this interesting? Objectives of experiment (problem) State your hypothesis clearly

4 Materials and Methods/Procedures
Summarize procedure and materials used Make it clear enough for someone else to duplicate your experiment Smallest portion of paper No results stated here!

5 Results Describe the results of the experiment
Explain the results without interpreting your findings Figures and tables may be used here

6 Discussion/Conclusion
Interpret results of experiment and draw a conclusion Evaluate your findings of the experiment No personal statements (e.g. “I found…”)

7 References All outside resources contributing to the study
Typically, you may only reference primary literature (Internet and textbooks are NOT primary literature) Name of Author (last name then 1st initial); Date published; Name of article; Name of publication Example Below Mair, T.S Bell Equine Veterinary Clinic. Assessment of bilateral infraorbital nerve blockade and bilateral infraorbital neurectomy in the investigation and treatment of idiopathic headshaking. Equine Veterinary Journal.

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