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Topics - Reading a Research Article Brief Overview: Purpose and Process of Empirical Research Standard Format of Research Articles Evaluating/Critiquing.

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Presentation on theme: "Topics - Reading a Research Article Brief Overview: Purpose and Process of Empirical Research Standard Format of Research Articles Evaluating/Critiquing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Topics - Reading a Research Article Brief Overview: Purpose and Process of Empirical Research Standard Format of Research Articles Evaluating/Critiquing Research

2 Role and Purpose of Empirical Research To provide answers to questions about behavior by using the scientific method. Descriptive (to “describe’) Correlational (to “predict”) Causal-(to “control, explain causation”) –Experimental –Comparative

3 Process of Empirical Research Identify and define research problem and questions. Formulate hypotheses on basis of theory, prior research and/or hunches. Design research study to collect data bearing on questions. Conduct the research. Analyze the data (through statistical methods). Interpret the data in light of the research questions.

4 Standard Format of Research Articles Abstract Introduction: Context, Research Problem, Review of Literature Methods Results Discussion References

5 Introduction Background - the reasons the author(s) conducted the study; theoretical framework Statement of Purpose - the goal of the research (the destination); the problem statement Hypotheses - “educated guesses” about relationships or differences

6 Methodology Participants (sample) - who the subjects are, how obtained/selected Materials (equipment, apparatus, measuring instruments) - what was used, quality of measuring instruments Procedures - how study was conducted; what subjects did or what was done to them

7 Results Technical summary of the statistical analyses used: In text In tables In figures

8 Discussion/Conclusions Non-technical interpretation of results Linking results to original purposes and hypotheses Why the results turned out the way they did Identifying the study’s limitations Suggesting steps for further research

9 Evaluating Research Goal: to be able to critique a research article by identifying the strengths and weaknesses of each component of the research “Tools for Evaluating Research Reports”

10 Evaluating Introductions: Literature Review Literature review: to place current study in context of what is known/not known –Nature of literature cited –Researcher bias –Rationale/need for study –Theoretical framework –Link of framework to research questions –Sufficiency of information –Usefulness of review

11 Evaluating Introductions: Research Questions/Hypotheses Research questions and hypotheses drive the study –Clarity of problem –Sufficient rationale –Contribution to existing knowledge –Link to theoretical framework and lit review –Assumptions explicit/implicit –Operational definition of terms –Statement of hypotheses

12 Evaluating Methodology Sufficient detail of procedures (treatment), design and instruments Full description of population Full description of sampling method Quality of measures used Obvious weaknesses in design

13 Evaluating Results Appropriateness of statistical techniques used Clarity of presentation of results Adequacy of presentation of results

14 Evaluating Discussion/Conclusions Consistency of conclusions with findings Appropriateness of generalizations Discussion of implications of findings Discussion of limitations of study Alternative explanation for findings Linkage of conclusions with theoretical framework, research questions

15 Practice Exercise - Evaluating the Introduction Literature Review Research problem/questions

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