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Competency Modeling at your Company Inc.. Proposed Competency Management Vision Enable company’s leaders/employees to create an environment where customers.

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Presentation on theme: "Competency Modeling at your Company Inc.. Proposed Competency Management Vision Enable company’s leaders/employees to create an environment where customers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Competency Modeling at your Company Inc.

2 Proposed Competency Management Vision Enable company’s leaders/employees to create an environment where customers benefit from employee competence, confidence, and commitment.

3 Definitions n n Competency model is an organizational tool to measure current competency levels against future competency requirements n n Competency management is a process whereby managers analyze their units’ current competency levels to determine procurement, training and development strategies

4 Definitions n Critical Competency is the critical organizational competencies needed during the next 12 to 24 months (Sources: Strategic Planning, Business Objectives, Competitive Information, Market Information) n Strategic Competence is a long term competence needed for the strategic positioning of the Company as a world leader in the its field.

5 Why is competency manage- ment important to us? n n To fully realize the synergies driving the one industrial unit philosophy n n To have the “right competencies at the right place and time” n n To empower employees in career decision making and planning n n To clarify career portfolio options positioning us as Employer of Choice

6 Competency Model Development n n 1993 early model piloted n n 1996 revised model evolves n n Implementation of that model 1996 n n Continued development of competence management 2000 n n New model 2002 Professional Competence Business Competence Human Competence Individual Capacities

7 Vision and Strategy (example) HR STRATEGY:One Industrial Unit Employer of Choice HR Strat Plan FOCUS: Cultural Change Growth Competence Management Employee Mgmt COMPETENCY PROF./TECH Management DOMESTIC CENTRALIZED Survey Planning MODEL DEVELOPMENT Institute LEADERSHIP STAFFING

8 Three Types of Competencies PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE “The group of sub-competencies required to provide products and services meeting external and internal customer needs”. Examples: C + +; Recruitment; Marketing; Telecommunications; Products

9 HUMAN COMPETENCE “The group of sub-competencies required to interact appropriately with people outside and inside the company”. Examples: Communication; Negotiation; Team Working; Decision Making Three Types of Competencies

10 BUSINESS COMPETENCE “The group of sub-competencies related to the understanding of the company’s business and objectives in the context of its market, customers, competitors, political and social environment”. Three Types of Competencies

11 Identify Core Comp. Break out Indiv. Comp. Break out org. Comp. Train Mgrs. & Identify Gaps Plan meas. to fill Gap The Competency Management Process

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