Section 2: The Antislavery Movement.  South banned antislavery publications & made it illegal to teach slaves how to read.

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1 Section 2: The Antislavery Movement

2  South banned antislavery publications & made it illegal to teach slaves how to read

3  Earliest came from the Mennonites in 1688  1700’s several societies appeared in the north & south  1777-1807, every state north of Maryland passed laws that gradually abolished slavery

4  Legal importing of slaves ended in 1808  Antislavery newspaper The Genius of Universal Emancipation  Favored stoppage of slavery in new states

5  Some people favored a program to send free blacks & emancipated slaves to Africa  Founded the American Colonization Society in 1817  Plan offended most African Americans

6  Considered themselves Americans  By 1831 only 1,400 immigrated  Radical Abolitionism  William Lloyd Garrison  Published The Liberator  Founded the American Antislavery Society  By 1835 had 150,000 members

7  One of the most popular speakers & a key leader of the American Antislavery Society  Sent to be a house slave in Maryland at 8  Owners wife tutored him  Eventually forbade, he taught himself

8  17- sent to a “slave breaker”  One day he fought back  1838- escaped to New Bedford, Mass.  Wrote his biography, Life & Times of Frederick Douglass  Published an abolitionist newspaper, The North Star

9  Division over women’s participation  Garrison insisted women be allowed to speak  Some members resigned in protest

10  Divisions over race  For Africans the movement was personal  Some felt inferior to the whites  Douglass broke with Garrison & founded his own paper  Division over tactics  Garrison believed the Constitution supported slavery

11  A Dangerous Operation  Railroad- paths the slaves traveled either on foot or in wagons across the north/south border & into Canada  Underground- carried out in secret on dark nights

12  “Conductors” gave them money, supplies, & medical attention  Harriet Tubman  African Americans some with family & friends still enslaves made up the majority of conductors  Escaped slave herself

13  Rescued more than 300 slaves  Nicknamed “the Black Moses”  The River Route  Mississippi River using a riverboat  Dangerous because of slave hunters

14  Through the Eastern Swamps  Faced hazards such as poisonous snakes & disease bearing mosquitoes

15  The Mountain Route  Appalachian Mountains  2 reasons  Forests & limestone caves sheltered fugitives  Acts as a barrier for western runaways

16  Ohio, Pa, Ind.- safe places  Southern Illinois was more dangerous  Remained proslavery  Slave owners offered a $40,000 reward for the capture of Harriet Tubman

17  Opposition in the north  Worried it would sour relations between north & south, harm trade  Feared competition for lower wages

18  Eventually turned violent  Mob assaulted Garrison & paraded him around Boston with a rope around his neck  Abolitionist building burnt down in Philadelphia

19  Alton, Illinois- Elijah Lovejoy wrote editorials denouncing slavery  Printing press destroyed many times  He was shot & killed trying to defend it

20  1830’s became dangerous & rare for southerners to speak out in favor of freeing the slaves  Southerners in Congress passed the gag rule

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