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Science City Bristol Dr John Bradford 3 December 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Science City Bristol Dr John Bradford 3 December 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Science City Bristol Dr John Bradford 3 December 2009

2 Science City Bristol will support and develop the area's science and innovation assets to deliver sustainable economic and social benefit by: - Bringing business, academia and government together - Creating a more connected scientific community - Promoting the area's scientific achievements to help us attract even more world-leading scientific enterprise and research - Creating a culture for all which understands and celebrates science and technology Science City Bristol

3 + over 20 other organisations, partnerships and networks as supporters Science City Bristol

4 Underpinned by key themes: Connect Engage Invest Science City Bristol

5 Public & Private research excellence Innovation & Enterprise virtuous cycle(s) Start-up & entrepreneur support networks Incubation Business growth Follow-on commercial expansion International expansion

6 To Attract and Grow Business Investment to Increase Economic Growth and Competitiveness - to increase business-led innovation and enterprise by further strengthening collaboration and partnership working between Higher Education institutions and business West of England MAA

7 Tackling major Challenges through Innovation -Challenge Led Innovation -- 6 Science City Development Group -- National (and international) learning -- Local Leadership West of England MAA 2

8 A future structure for Science City Bristol Science City Bristol Bristol Enterprise Network Venturefest South West

9 Looking at future opportunities from Green ICT - Small working group looking at this Concentrate on Return on Involvement - Challenge led Innovation in Public Procurement - Green ICT Building the reach of Science City Bristol Building Value from Knowledge Exchange

10 Articulate the economic opportunities available Develop and promote a strategy towards realising those opportunities Specify and support the actions required to advance the strategy by connecting and mobilising existing resources Identify and support proposals to national and European funding in support of the implementation of the strategy Building Value from Knowledge Exchange Science City Bristol offer

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