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Nutrition. Nutrition is eating foods the body needs to grow, develop, and work properly.

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Presentation on theme: "Nutrition. Nutrition is eating foods the body needs to grow, develop, and work properly."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nutrition

2 Nutrition is eating foods the body needs to grow, develop, and work properly.

3 Factors that influence what we eat: Family Convenience Habit Heritage or tradition Availability Personal preference Economy Nutritional value Advertising Social pressure

4 Diet The food or drink we regularly choose to consume

5 Nutrients Nutrients are a group of substances found in the food we eat. They are needed by the body to grow, operate, and to carry on life processes.

6 The Six Essential Nutrients

7 Carbohydrates The body’s main energy source. –Complex –Simple

8 Proteins Needed to build, repair, and maintain body cells and tissues

9 Fats Insulates the body Provides stored energy Cushions body organs

10 Vitamins Controls body functions Helps immune system Helps the body to grow

11 Minerals Needed for healthy bones, teeth, and blood

12 Water The most common nutrient 60% of your body is water Carries nutrients through the body Helps digestion Keeps the body from overheating Lubricates the body joints Removes waste from the body

13 The Food Guide Pyramid Divides foods into 6 groups based on their nutrient content –Breads and Grains –Meats and Beans –Vegetables –Fruits –Milk and dairy –Extras

14 The 7 Dietary Guidelines Eat a variety of foods Balance the food you eat with physical activity: maintain or improve your weight

15 The 7 Dietary Guidelines Choose a diet low in fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol

16 The 7 Dietary Guidelines Choose a diet moderate in sugars Choose a diet moderate in salt and sodium Adolescents should not drink alcoholic beverages

17 Nutrition Labels Reading nutrition labels helps you to choose more healthful foods. Contain information about what nutrients are supplied by a food

18 Remember: You are what you eat.

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