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Croeso i Blwyddyn Un! Welcome to Year One!. Our Aims Creating a love of learning. Reaching our potential. Caring for each other.

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Presentation on theme: "Croeso i Blwyddyn Un! Welcome to Year One!. Our Aims Creating a love of learning. Reaching our potential. Caring for each other."— Presentation transcript:

1 Croeso i Blwyddyn Un! Welcome to Year One!

2 Our Aims Creating a love of learning. Reaching our potential. Caring for each other.

3 Coming into school On dry days: Year one line up in the Junior yard and are taken into class by the teacher. We want your children to gain independence and so ask that you leave your children at the yard and do not come into the cloakroom or classroom unless you need to speak to the teacher. On wet days: Miss Martell’s Class Your children can come into class and can be left. Mrs Evans class Your children can come into class and can be left.

4 If you are late… Please take your child to the office to sign in. If you need to collect your child early from school, for doctors appointments etc, again please go to the office first and please let the class teacher know in the morning.

5 Uniform Uniform can be obtained by ordering from Mrs Banfield in the Nursery. Please make sure that all uniform is named. Please make sure your child has a coat every day.

6 Miss Martell’s class is Forest Friday Mrs Evans class is Muddy Monday Please send your children to school wearing appropriate clothing/footwear on these days, particularly now the weather will be getting colder, please make sure your children have coats. Wellies can be kept in school if you would prefer. Muddy Monday and Forest Fridays!

7 PE KITS Miss Martell’s outdoor PE is on Monday Mrs Evans outdoor PE is on Friday School tracksuits should be worn for these sessions. Miss Martell’s indoor PE is on Thursday Mrs Evans indoor PE is on Tuesday Please can children have kit for these sessions. Shorts and T-Shirts. These can be left in school if you wish.

8 Reading Reading is incredibly important. Miss Martell’s reading day is Tuesday Mrs Evans reading day is Thursday All Books and reading records to be in on this day

9 Reading in school and at home.. Whatever your child’s level of reading, it is incredibly important that you read with your child every day. What do we do? Jolly Phonics Jolly Phonics is a way of helping your children to hear the sounds that make up words, using actions and rhymes to help them remember. These include the sounds of the letters in the alphabet but sometimes more importantly double sounds such as ‘ou’, ‘ie’, or ‘qu’ etc to help them process words more easily when they are reading. They will be able to blend these sounds more easily and become more fluent readers.

10 Listening to readers We listen to readers on our reading days to keep an eye on progress and any comments you make in those reading records are also really helpful. Our reading scheme helps children to feel comfortable within a level before progressing to more challenging books or activities. We include non fiction as well as fiction to show diversity in literature. Reading every day with your child will make a huge difference to their progress. Regular practise makes perfect!

11 Handwriting In Cwmrhydyceirw we use cursive hand writing. Please encourage your children to write using this style including their name. Practising forming letters using the cursive style means that progression into joined up writing is that much easier.

12 Homework All Homework is to be returned on a Friday Homework usually includes a Maths activity and an English activity. Please encourage your children to do this work independently where possible. As the year progresses and when your child is ready they will be given weekly spellings to learn.

13 Fruit and Snack Time We are a healthy school! We encourage the children to have a healthy snack at play time. Fruit from the tuck shop is 25p a day. If you send in a snack for your children please send fruit or a plain biscuit Lunch boxes should also be healthy!

14 A few extras… Water Bottles – Please bring them in Daily. Clearly labelled with your child's name. Please do not allow your child to bring in Toys. Dinner Money should be brought in on a Thursday in a clearly labelled envelope

15 Achievement Assembly Achievement assembly is every Wednesday. It is a chance to celebrate your children’s achievement in and out of school. If your child has certificates or trophy’s that they have won in activities they are involved in please bring them in on this day.

16 Thank you for your ongoing support. Miss Martell and Mrs Evans

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